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“Yeah…God, yeah. More,” he begged, so I gave it to him, sliding my finger deeper, fucking him with it while I licked and sucked and savored his dick. “Danny…another one.”

He was dying for it, and there was nothing I wanted more than to give Jonathan what he needed. I added more lube, then two fingers into his tight ass. As if he’d done this with a guy a thousand times, he moved his body, riding my hand. Jesus, who would have thought he’d be such a hungry bottom?

I kept going, watching his body for reactions. He had his eyes closed, his mouth open, short panting breaths puffing out, and he moved with me.

“You have no idea how hot you are, how much it’s killing me that it’s my fingers shoved up in your hole and not my cock. I can’t wait to fuck you. My dick is gonna want to live up your ass.”

He gasped as soon as the words left my mouth, and I knew it wouldn’t be long for him. I sucked him between my lips again, reached for that spot inside him that I knew would drive Jonathan wild. My fingers brushed against his prostate. I kept rubbing it, kept going until his body bowed and he cried out, shooting in spurt after spurt. I swallowed him, wanted more, loved that I could bring him this much pleasure…felt like I might die myself.

As soon as he relaxed back against the bed, I shoved up to my knees, lubed my hand, then stroked until my come painted Jonathan’s groin and softening dick.

We were both breathing heavily. I looked down at him, and he was staring at me like he was trying to look deep, wanted to know what was inside me.

“Come here.” Jonathan pulled me down on top of him, slipped his tongue into my mouth, no doubt tasting himself there. “That was… Thank you.”

“You don’t have to thank me for that.”

He didn’t reply, just wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead. I lay there, on top of his bigger body, until we couldn’t stay tangled in each other anymore because he had to get up for work.

I basically thought about Jonathan all day. I couldn’t decide how I felt about that, but there didn’t seem to be much I could do about it, so I just went with it.

I wanted to talk it over with Elijah, but then I felt weird because I knew how private Jonathan was. Still, he wasn’t the only one in this relationship, and I should be able to talk to my best friend. Then I realized I didn’t even know what I’d say because I hadn’t totally worked through how I felt, or how I felt about how I felt. Okay, that was a fucked-up way to think about it, but this was all new to me.

Eventually, I did try to call Elijah, but he didn’t answer and texted back that he was working. Maybe that was a good thing.

A couple of minutes later my phone rang, and my sister’s name popped up on the screen.

“Hey, Mon,” I said.

“Hey, you. You’ve been quiet lately.”

“Just been busy. With baseball and stuff.”

“How’s the roommate situation going?”

Perfect. Awesome. He makes me feel like a freshly baked chocolate-chip cookie inside, and I’m hoping to fuck him soon.

Thankfully, I held back and none of that came out. I settled on, “Really good. He’s…different.”

“Different how?”

“Not the same?”

She laughed. “I didn’t need the definition. What makes him that way?”

My pulse did this acceleration-then-stumbling thing. “I, um…might…like him?”

“Oh, wow. You’ve never told me that about a guy before. This is big. Does he feel the same?”

“I think so. Things are a little harder for him. He’s still coming to term with some things. Also, I’m not sure if I told you, but he’s Elijah’s boyfriend’s best friend’s brother.”

“I’m not even sure I understand what you just said, but I’m not getting why it matters. You can date your best friend’s boyfriend’s brother’s uncle’s daddy or whatever if you want.”

I laughed. God, my sister was great. “I know. I’m being strange.”

“Are you going to bring him home? I know Mama wants to meet him. She told me to remind you about the Fourth of July next week. You missed last year to hang with your friends, and you know how much she loves to cook for us and watch the fireworks.”

Yeah…yeah I did. We didn’t have a baseball game because of the holiday, and I’d already thought about asking Jonathan if he wanted to go… “He might have plans with his brother Will or his family.”

“Invite them all. The more the merrier.”

Even though she couldn’t see me, I rolled my eyes. It was such a my family kind of thing to say, but I wasn’t sure Jonathan’s was the same. Or if he’d even want to be around them. He never talked to them.
