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He whispers the last part, like a secret, and I punch him playfully in response. He rises to kiss me on the temple and uses gentle strokes to soothe our babies. “Let’s eat, Angel. I must take care of you.”

Ravenous, I eyeball the delicious stir fry he cooked, with loads of veggies and noodles. As his lips move to kiss my pulse, I grab him, and a small sound escapes my lips. Our faces line up and his hungry gaze travels to my lips, grazing them softly. What a tease! I huff.

As we eat, we talk about all sorts of things, like work and the soccer game he wants to watch today. He gently rubs my belly while we discuss his plans to find a permanent place to live.

With our bellies full, we move to the corner sofa to lounge. As I look at my clean and tidy room, enjoying the view of an old oak tree through the massive window Mr. Bossy secretly installed, my eyes catch the sight of the big TV.

“Logan, what is that thing doing in my living room?” I jump to my feet, trying to make sense of the big TV screen hung without my knowledge.

“Well, I told you that I wanted to watch the soccer game today and you need to be here, so our boys can be educated on the most prideful American game ever made.” He offers me an impish smirk.

“You can’t be serious. I don’t need a TV! Do you understand that, with your stubborn head? This is my apartment, and I’m the boss here! Don’t make me be some charity case, Logan. Stop buying me things!” I angrily shout at him, ready to smoke his ass out of here. “You know what? Get out!”

Logan rises from the sofa, and I start crying like a baby when I’m supposed to be strong. It is so damn annoying to be this hormonal weeping pussy.

“Hey, calm down, and let me explain, ok?” he says, coming closer.

“No. No more of your bullshit! Go, Logan, find some homeless person on the street who needs your kindness.” I shake with disbelief that he can’t seem to respect my boundaries and rules.

His hands wrap around me from behind, trying to soothe me with kisses and placating words, as he promises to never do it again. He is so annoying.

“Promise me that you will stop buying things for me, or you can find someone else’s couch to lounge on.” I look at him, livid, challenging him to disagree.

“I can’t do that,” he utters. I move away from him but he stalks towards me without the thought of giving me an inch. “I told you I will be here to take care of you three. Start getting used to it, Cassandra, because I’m going to do more than that.”

Determined, he catches me around my waist, lifting me up on the island, then stands between my legs. His gaze draws me, capturing my eyes with his wild green ones that make me feel like a trapped mouse waiting to be devoured by the lion after he gets tired of playing with me first.

“Stop intimidating me and start listening! I want you to stop trying to take over my life. Don’t force me into the corner so you can get your way.”

He lifts his head up to the skies, begging for help from up there, and it makes me mad he thinks I’m the one with the problem here.

“You need to find a place to live, Logan, so you can start furnishing and preparing your home.” I try to reason with him, redirecting his obsessive, controlling fashion to his own use.

“Fine. I want you to come tomorrow, after we have the baby scan, to see a new place I am buying. Before finalizing the paperwork, I want to know your opinion.” He makes me feel as if he’s hiding something, but I concede this time.

His body heat is driving me crazy with a desire to be touched. Let’s not get cross into this dangerous territory again. I have enough on my hands as it is. My issues and his presence unbalance my decisions to stay away from him.

If I lose my cool, or he loses his control, that might end with us in bed again. He definitely pushes me to the limit, but for some reason, his pushy ways make me feel cared for and safe. I don’t want to get used to it, only to later feel withdrawal when he moves on and meets someone special.

Usually, I maintain my skill to be self-reliant, keeping it sharp. I hate to inconvenience others, and I find very hard to ask for help in return.

Domineering Logan has a dominant and controlling streak with the unyielding mindset to win any challenge, but I have a very controlling nature that loves routine and order. He is never going to stop pushing, and I will never stop fighting back.

We are doomed to burn. Angels, help us to find common ground because two control freaks might just burn through all the boundaries, inhibitions, and secrets, like a wildfire destroying all that is in its way.

Why do I have a feeling that our peace is just a beautiful lie?

We finally settle in to watch that soccer game. Crazy Loga

n shouts praises at his team when they score or curses after they make a mistake.

Meanwhile, I’m watching his change in demeanor with disbelieving eyes and an open mouth. To my surprise, controlled and “never losing his cool” Logan has been abducted and, in his place, left someone wild.

I had to apologize to my elderly neighbor for his insane behavior. “Ms. Lear, I will bake you a pie for your pain.”

I even made few secret videos and sent them to my sisters with a caption “victim to soccer’s devotion.”

C: Help me, I need to get out! Madman is in the house!
