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“Take him, I need some air.” I dash from the room to the garden, breathing deep and long, trying to control the panic.

“Five-Four-Three-Two-One.” I flop on the grass and put my head between my legs. “Five-Four-Three-Two-One,” I whimper, my breaths turning into gasps.

Someone’s hand strokes my back as a male’s commanding voice orders me to breathe. The calm, controlled tone helps me settle down. Several minutes later, I turn to thank my hero. My gaze’s finds a grey one, smiling at me. The raven-colored hair is cut in a military-style, making his features more angular than his other brothers. A hard demeanor is so unusual on his features, and I am stunned into silence.

Curious, I touch his haircut, trailing my fingers to his jaw and lips that have a slightly different appearance. Then I notice military tags hanging around his neck. I read his name—Lucas—and I start to laugh as I look into the face of the wolf from the last triplet brother.

“What is so funny?” a curious Lucas asks.

“I met Logan when he tried to humiliate me to get my attention, and probably drag me into his bed, wild and mad. The second one, Leif, came as an intruder and made me so scared I pulled a knife on him. And you came like a hero and tried to help me. The approach and manners are different, as are your eyes. You look like a wolf that protects and serves. Logan is a lion who stalks, or a dragon that bursts into flames. Leif is a wild spirit that never allows anyone to trap him.”

His lip twitches as he regards me, pulling me to my feet. “Let’s go inside for coffee. I could make you sandwich as we get acquainted. And I want to hear all about how you met my brothers.”

Hello, Sergeant., Mr. I get everyone to follow me. Not a chance.

“How about, I’ll make you coffee and breakfast while you sit and talk about yourself, Marine,” I whisper to him conspiratorially. “In this kitchen, I am the person who serves and commands.”

Grinning, Lucas reaches the door, opening it for me like a gentleman. “By the way, I am Lucas Cade.”

We shake hands as I tell him, “Cassandra Knight, nice to meet you. Take a seat, Lucas.”

“Yes, ma’am,” he says with a pleasant grin he watches me work in the kitchen. My sisters come bouncing in, but then they notice the newcomer and their full attention zeroes in on Lucas.

“Good morning. Where is my breakfast, woman?!” I grab my towel and hit Leif over the head, while Raine picks up the frying pan, and Aisha, the spoon, and we whack him.

“Shit! Stop the abuse! Serve your family, brother, and neutralize those bandits. Women should know their place.”

Aisha gets the tape from the cupboards, and Raine pulls him to the chair. They neutralize Leif as Lucas watches Raine and Aisha with interest. Oh no. I don’t need this confusion. Not in the morning!

Leif lets out muffled sounds under the tape as I continue around the kitchen to cook. “So, Lucas, how do you treat your women at home?”

Their attention targets the man with wolf eyes.

“With respect and reverence.” Lucas defuses the situation with one sentence. Aren’t you a smart man? Hmmm.

The girls continue lightly flirting with him as they gauge his character. Logan and Darren come with the twins in hands, noticing our hostage tied to the chair. Logan passes Liane over to Raine, who coos to her, as he joins me to cook breakfast. While everyone is busy, Lucas frees his brother, patting his shoulder and whispering something in his ear.

The banter ensues further away from us. It doesn’t stop Logan from pulling me into him and claiming my lips. I close my eyes, and his forehead comes to rest against mine.

Chapter 5

Hard choices to make


After the adventurous breakfast, I call Laisa. Tonight, I know we must decide on a few things, but something doesn’t feel right about Cassandra’s experiences. Lately, they are either signs of the more significant problem or a misdiagnosis on the therapist’s part.

I tell her what happened last night, making sure she understands the situation. “I believe that we might have been wrong and maybe you should reevaluate the situation.”

“I agree. Actually, it bothered me for some time. Cassandra fails to keep a grip on reality. It would be helpful if I could speak with her sisters more. Could you arrange for them to come over again? It could paint a much clearer picture to me. Also, we need to figure out what triggers them. I’ll prescribe more comprehensive treatment after we talk.”

“Sounds good to me.” We say our goodbyes and I think about how to convince her sisters to help. After the previous session, they were left miserable and tormented by their past decisions. Those two girls are trying their best to prove their loyalty and love to Cassandra, and rebuild their relationships.

If I’m being honest, I never thought about triggers before. Perhaps there is a solution to dealing with episodes if we know how to desensitize her emotional responses to them. I want to be here to protect Cassandra. It pains me to admit she might be right about the space. If I don’t move out, our children might be in danger. The flashbacks she encounters are signs I can’t ignore.

Although, before I give her freedom, I will tie her up so she won’t escape me. It’s time to wrap up the deal. Whatever therapy she needs, she must know I will hold her to her promise.

Our relationship has been inconsistent, and I have to admit I hardly know anything about her past. She still holds so many secrets, barely ever sharing. Even after those incidents, I only know just basics.
