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So he approached her instead. Not wanting anyone to spy on them, he pulled the door shut with a final thud. Wrapping his arms about her slim waist, he yanked her close so their bodies met. His cock instantly reacted. “Hi.”

“I, um, hope you don’t mind if I stopped by to see you.” She rested her hands on his chest, fingers playing with his badge.

“I never mind when it comes to you.” He nuzzled his face against her fragrant hair, breathing deep. Damn it, he wished he wasn’t working. Wished like crazy they were back at his place, or hers, snuggled up close in bed, nothing between them but hot, damp with sweat skin.

His cock stiffened even more just thinking about it.

“You are so sweet,” she breathed, her lower body pressed hard against his. “Have I ever told you how sexy you are in your uniform?”

“No, I don’t think you have.” He hoped she wasn’t some sort of freaky hanger-on who only liked being with him because of his occup

ation. He hated that shit, still couldn’t believe women like that existed.

But they did. Some of them staked out fire engines as if their life depended on it.

“I never cared about men in uniform before. That was one of the first things I noticed about you, though. Well, that and you were completely drenched from the rain.” She rested her hand against the center of his chest, fingers splayed, palm flush against his rapidly beating heart. All a reaction to her. All because of what her close proximity did to him.

He’d never felt like this over a woman before. Ever.

Reassurance flowed through him at her words. He knew she wasn’t some weird firefighter stalker-type, but he couldn’t help his natural defenses. Though they seemed to be shedding more and more every day he spent with her.

“I’m still thankful you were kind enough to share your umbrella with me,” he teased, bending down to press a brief kiss to her lush mouth.

She smiled, her eyes warm, her body melting into his. “Do that again.”

He did it again, allowed his lips to linger this time, his tongue darting out for a quick lick. She murmured against his mouth, unintelligible words he knew indicated she wanted more but he withdrew. Pushed her away from him gently so he could gather his bearings.

“I shouldn’t maul you in front of the station in my uniform,” he said with as much dignity as he could muster. Inside his lust for her delicious mouth, her delectable body raged like a wild beast, ready to get primitive and tear the clothes from her sexy body. Run his hands and mouth over her fevered flesh before he sunk himself deep inside her.

Yeah, he couldn’t do that today. He couldn’t do that for the next couple of days so instead he took a deep breath and tried not to focus on the hurt expression on her face. He hadn’t meant to do that.

“Want a tour?” he offered, a faint smile on his face, also a look of apology he hoped. She nodded in agreement, an answering smile curving her pretty pink lips and he offered his hand, which she took.

Brett escorted her around the station, giving her a view of his almost daily life. The living quarters, the large kitchen and pantry, the barracks, the small office. He ended the tour in the garage where the two red engines sat, gleaming and shiny from the thorough wash and dry they received this afternoon.

“They’re huge,” she said, her voice laced with awe as she stared up at the engine. “Do you drive it? Or just ride?”

“I drive one. This one.” He patted the front door panel, the metal slap echoing in the large, quiet garage.

Jenna looked up at it with big hazel eyes, a wicked gleam in them. “Ever get lucky in the cab of that truck?”

“No.” He drew the word out slowly, his voice low, his cock throbbing. What the hell, was she suggesting they get wild and crazy in the cab of the engine? When a call could come over at any moment and send the rest of his crew running in here, ready to go?

The idea aroused him. He couldn’t deny it. Maybe her head in his lap, his fly wide open, cock thrust upward, her lips wrapped around the tip. Her hands would massage his thighs, her tongue lashed at his cock as his head was thrown back in ecstasy.

“Wanna get lucky in the cab of that truck?” Her sweet voice so alluring, what she offered, so tempting.

So reckless, so crazy.

His answer should be hell no.

Hell no.

“What do you have in mind…”

Under My Umbrella: Fated, Book 1

Chapter Seven
