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He had no restraint, absolutely none. It took one simple yet naughty suggestion from the woman he was crazy about and now he had his hands splayed wide across her ass, shoving her up into the cab of the fire engine. She landed on the seat with a squeal, turning to stare down at him with sparkling eyes.

“I can smell you in here. How can the girls resist you?”

Brett climbed in after her, shutting the door with a soft click. He hauled her into his lap so she straddled him, her knees on either side of his hips. Jenna rested her hands on his shoulders, her fingers smoothing over them and he felt the burn of her touch even through the two layers of shirts he wore.

“There’s only one female firefighter,” he explained, breathing deep when she bent over him, her face so close he could feel her warm breath waft across his lips, her silky hair tickling his face. “She thinks we’re all a bunch of jerks.”

“You’re not a jerk.” She leaned in even closer, pressed the tiniest kiss to the tip of his nose.

God, he found even that arousing.

“I can be.” He struggled to breathe, almost undone from her simple touch, and he braced himself for more, knowing she planned to deliver.

“No, I don’t believe it.” She kissed his cheek, the left corner of his mouth, the right corner, the tip of his chin. “You’re so sweet.”

“Not all the time.” He didn’t feel sweet. No, more like a wild beast barely restrained, ready to break free and unleash all of the pent up lust and emotion he felt for this woman. Unleash it all over her, lavish her with the attention she deserved. Fuck her until the both of them were exhausted and satisfied.

Yeah, that sounded just about perfect.

But it wouldn’t happen, not tonight. He couldn’t let it happen, not here at work. He’d kiss her for a few minutes, but that was it. Nothing more. He didn’t want to put his job at risk. Didn’t want to embarrass her.

Especially considering he wanted to keep her around, let her get to know the people he worked with. If he had his way, she’d be in his life for a long time coming.

“Oh, don’t lie. You’re always sweet to me.” Her mouth finally brushed his, her lips damp and parted. He didn’t take the bait, kept his control tightly reined though he rested his hands lightly on her waist.

Just feeling her body beneath his palms had him itching to tear her clothes off. Explore her creamy skin with his mouth. Touch her in all of those secret places he knew she liked. And she had a lot of them. He’d discovered quite a few since they first started this thing.

He wanted to learn them all—wanted to learn everything about her.

“If you knew what was going on inside my head, you wouldn’t think I was so sweet,” he confessed, his voice ragged, his eyes nearly crossing when she ground herself against his erect cock.

“If what your pants are telling me is true, I think I can guess what’s going on inside that head of yours,” she whispered just before she licked his lower lip, her teeth giving it a little tug and a nip.

“You have no idea.” She didn’t have a clue. The dark possessiveness that rolled through him in a continuous wave, the urge to spread her thighs wide and thrust in between them, it consumed him. Made him feel out of control, overwhelmed by her, head over heels in love with her…

His thoughts jerked him back into reality and his hands pressed hard into her sides, making her yelp. Could it be true? Was he really in love with her? In love with a woman he’d only known for a few weeks?

He’d never believed in this kind of thing before but there was always a first time.

“I want to suck your cock,” she whispered in his ear. “Make you come right here.”

“No way,” he uttered. Couldn’t happen.

She smiled. He felt the movement of her lips against his earlobe. “Don’t deny me my fun.”

“I can’t do this here, Jenna. I thought you’d just want to make out for a while, but I’m not about to stick my dick out in my engine. What if we got a call?”

“I bet you won’t. You feel so hard, so ready.” She thrust against him again, her denim-covered pussy doing a slow glide down the length of him that had his blood boiling. “It won’t take very long. I know just what you like.”

She sure as hell did but not tonight, not like this. He felt like a hard ass. Hell, he felt like a big pussy but damn it, he wasn’t about to lose the respect of his firefighters just for a piece of ass.

And Jenna wasn’t just a piece of ass, either. No way would he want her to lose her dignity in the eyes of his fellow employees.

“Jenna,” he warned when her hand went to the fly of his pants. He rested his hand over hers, giving it a firm squeeze. “Stop.”

Leaning away from him, she glared, her mouth pursing into a pout. “You’re no fun.”

“I can’t risk embarrassing you like this.” He cupped her face, his fingers stroking down her soft cheek, but she jerked away from his touch.
