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“What’s wrong? Didn’t you find anything you liked?” he asked.

“No, I loved them all, but they’re far too elegant for me, and I can’t sleep in them. I’ll buy something myself.”

“They’re made to be too beautiful to sleep in,” he explained softly. “A woman wears them to seduce a man, so he’ll think sex was his idea.”

Apparently Miguel didn’t require much to be seduced, but she wouldn’t malign a dead man and kept silent. She walked toward him. “I’m no good at subtle seduction.”

“Thank God.”

His aggressive kiss startled her, but she relaxed into his arms. They were alone in the house and could have sex in the hallway if they so desired. “We have the whole house,” she whispered in his ear. “How soft is the carpet here?”

“It’s very soft and thickly padded,” he murmured before grazing her lip with the tip of his tongue. “But what if I’m too relaxed to stand? I’d hate to have Mrs. Lopez find me lying in the hallway when she comes in tomorrow morning.”

“I wouldn’t leave you collapsed in the hall.”

He ran his hands down her slender arms. “I doubt you could help me stand.”

“So do I, but I know enough to call Manuel to help me. Or would that embarrass you too badly?”

“He’s rescued me from worse fates, but not recently.” He kissed her cheek. “Bring the lavender set and take it home as a souvenir.”

She hesitated, then thought she could take it home smelling of him and never wash the set. “All right. I’ll get it.” She draped the lush silk over her arm and followed him to his room. “I’m going to bathe. I’ll wake you if you fall asleep.”

He turned at the door and slid his fingertips down her arm in a gentle caress. “I could sit in the bathroom and keep you company.”

There was a huge bottle of fragrant bubble bath beside the tub, but she doubted she could make the bubbles thick enough to cover everything she’d rather he didn’t see. “That’s sweet, but I want to be alone.”

She left to go to her room and locked the door just in case he became inspired to follow. Maggie had nice boobs and Patricia had a pair of beauties, but somehow the boob gene had missed her. She had a friend who’d gotten implants the summer before they’d entered the university and swore it was the smartest move she’d ever made. Libby stuck with her padded bras from Victoria’s Secret.

She filled the tub and slid under the water to get thoroughly wet and whipped the bubble bath into foamy peaks. She supposed she could drape a washcloth over her chest, but Santos would laugh at her for that. He’d been so understanding in the dark. She wasn’t about to push her luck with the lights on.

“Damn it, I forgot my book.” Too relaxed to get out for it, she enjoyed the bubble bath until so much time had passed she feared Santos really would have fallen asleep.

After she left the tub, she wrapped herself in a shamefully fluffy towel and blew her hair dry. She held distinct misgivings as she slipped the gorgeous lavender gown over her head. The silk washed down her body with the soft chill of thick cream and flowed around her ankles. She turned in front of the full-length bathroom mirror and didn’t recognize herself in the beautiful reflection. She’d left her hair curling over her shoulders, and the gown had a lace bodice that enhanced what little bust she had. Once she’d added the negligee, she looked like a princess.

She went into Santos’s room and made a slow turn. “I feel like Cinderella, but this just isn’t me.”

Still on his bed, his dark hair falling over his brow, he looked completely absorbed in his music, until he looked up and licked his lips. “You’re not seeing what I’m seeing, and it’s definitely you. Come here.”

He offered his hand, and she moved close to take it. He lifted her across his lap and nuzzled her neck. “Stop it, that tickles,” she begged.

“It’s supposed to.” He wound her hair around his hand, then let the gentle curl fall free. “You ought to stand still once in a while and appreciate how beautiful you truly are.”

She rolled her eyes. “Please, I like you a lot. You needn’t flatter me.”

“It’s not empty flattery,” he swore, his voice low and sincere.

He kissed her to silence her denials, and she wound her arms around his neck to return his affection. He slid a hand to her breast, and his touch felt twice as good through the silk. She sighed softly and pushed against his hand. “How does the silk feel to you?”

“Luscious, like you.” He rolled to pull her down beside him and brushed her hair from her forehead. “Your eyes are such a pretty blue; they’re perfect with your fair hair.”

“Santos, please stop. I know you like me.” What she really knew was that men would go for any woman with blonde hair and legs as long as hers. It was their default setting. Maggie had warned her Santos was particularly partial to blondes. She kept her cynical thoughts from flavoring her kiss, but she liked all of him, not just his dark hair and eyes.

She reached for the hem of his T-shirt. “Remember, I’m not your valet. Take this off.”

He sat up to comply, and she ran her hand over his chest and down his flat belly. “You don’t need the shorts either.” She unbuttoned the top button.

“I wish I hadn’t hurt my knee. I’m usually far better coordinated.”
