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He grabbed hold of the headboard to stand and tried to slide his shorts over his brace. “It’s easier to dress than undress, but it’s my fault for not being ready when you came in.”

She moved off the other side of the bed, untied the ribbon ties on her negligee and draped it over the end of the bed as she circled it. She knelt in front of Santos. “I’m in a generous mood, so I’ll help you after all.” She took hold of the waistband, but rather than work the shorts over the brace, she pulled his hips close and drew the tip of his already hard cock into her mouth.

He sucked in a startled breath and sank down on the side of the bed. “I couldn’t afford a valet like you anyway.”

“No one could.” She licked him and rubbed her knuckle against the sensitive spot behind his balls. “Do you like this?” Waiting for his answer, she took him deep into her mouth and swirled her tongue around him.


“I’ll take that for a yes.” She took care not to touch his right leg but propped her elbow on his left knee. The man drew her close without even trying. His intoxicating scent made her want to lick its source, and she slid her tongue across his navel. “Your cologne ought to have a taste, something honey smooth and yet masculine.”

“God, Libby, have some pity on me, or I’ll lose it.”

She smiled slyly,

and while she was tempted to push him, she smoothed a tender touch over his balls and stood. “You’ve already threatened not to write a recommendation, so I don’t dare push my luck.”

He caught her wrist. “Good, because I’m going to push mine.” He drew her up on the bed and rolled her onto her left side. He found a condom in the drawer and yanked it on. Turning on his left side to lie behind her, he wrapped his arm around her waist to pull her bottom close and eased into her slowly.

She laced her fingers in his and dipped his hand under the nightgown to rest between her legs. His breathing was already hoarse and shallow, he was so close, but she wanted to go with him. Each time he surged into her, she rolled his fingertips over her clit. He filled her fully, and she wiggled her butt against him to take him deeper. He pulled his fingers free to pleasure her, and her legs stiffened as he stroked to make her come before he did. A scorching bliss shot through her, and she gasped a mouthful of air to make it last. A glorious ache hummed from deep within and left her too limp to even murmur a soft hum of praise.

A long moment passed before he pulled out, and he kept her cuddled close. She gripped his hand, and closed her eyes, too relaxed to do more than float on the bed. The heat still flowed between them, an electric coil wrapping tighter each time they were together. Sex had never been like this for her. She’d satisfied her curiosity but hadn’t discovered the truth of what it was supposed to be. Now she was spoiled, and no other man would ever compare to Santos Aragon.

“Libby? I’m sorry, I used to be good at this, but with this damn brace…”

She sat up and shoved her hair out of her eyes. “Don’t you dare apologize. If all you want is compliments, then fine, you’re a terrific lover, all any woman would ever want. Just don’t spoil it with needless apologies.” She flopped back down on the bed and lay curled against him.

“I’m disappointed in myself, Libby, not you.” He stroked her hair and whispered, “You have such a wild spirit, it’s no wonder you love to run.” He hugged her tighter. “I don’t want anyone to hurt you.”

She didn’t need to be looked after. “Let’s just go to sleep.”

He moved to lie on his back and drew in a deep breath.

She hadn’t meant to hurt his feelings and now felt she owned him an apology. “You’re the best, Santos. You even have handsome feet. Some guys’ feet are as hairy as a Hobbit’s.”

He laughed so loud he would have awakened everyone in the house, had there been anyone else. “You always surprise me. I’m so grateful I don’t have Hobbit-like feet. I suppose I’d have to wax them.”

“There’s another business opportunity that’s been overlooked.”

Santos rose up to kiss her. “You want some ice cream?”

She stroked his cheek. “Yes, but I’ll force you to work off the calories.”

He rested his forehead on hers. “I’m looking forward to it.”

Chapter Eleven

Tuesday morning, Manuel drove Santos’s SUV to the advertising firm. Santos still sat in the front where he could stretch out his leg, and Libby sat alone in the back. She wore the lime-green outfit she’d bought for the wedding and expected to stay out of everyone’s way. Santos had dressed in a black polo shirt and the khaki shorts which fit over his brace. He looked preoccupied rather than eager to model.

The advertising firm’s name was posted in chrome letters on the front of a stark modern building. A petite woman with red-framed glasses met them at the door and introduced herself as Denise. She pointed out posters in the lobby as examples of their commercial work, but Libby recognized none of the products advertised. The photo studio was on the second floor, and as they entered the elevator, Santos winked at her. She knew exactly what he was thinking and nodded to make certain he noticed the camera above the control panel.

The photographer welcomed them to his studio with a wide smile. He had a neatly trimmed beard and was dressed in black. “I’m Armand, and I’m so happy to meet you. I’ve seen you fight numerous times and am in awe of your superb talent.”

“Thank you,” Santos responded. “I doubt I have much in the way of talent for what you have planned today. This is Miss Gunderson, a sister of my sister, Magdalena Mondragon.”

Armand looked perplexed for a moment and then broke into a wide smile. “I’m delighted to meet you, Miss Gunderson. Denise and Roberto have the sketches,” he explained. “Come look, and you’ll see what we’re after with this campaign.”

Roberto was tall with blond hair worn in a ponytail. His bright yellow shoes went perfectly with his red shirt and jeans. “We are beginning with print ads in all the popular magazines. Videos may come later. What we’re after today is a mystical look. We’ll dress you in black, with a dark background, so just your face and hands will show.”
