Page 1 of In Too Deep

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Showoff, I thought, rolling my eyes before pulling down my goggles and jumping into the water.

As always, the water felt wonderful. and I felt wonderful in it, feeling as if I had turned into a mermaid as I propelled myself forward with practiced strokes.

People often said I was born to swim and that I was probably already doing butterflies inside my mother’s womb and I believed it.

In the water, I felt light and at ease.

It was my best friend, my safe haven. It was a comforting embrace, cooling my head, and caressing my skin as it washed all my worries away.

When I was in the water nothing bothered me. My cares and worries were left in my wake.

And I was fast. So fast that no one could hope to compete with me… except for maybe Christina Mallory.

She was like a whirlwind, a raging storm.

As the coach said, Christina joined the swim team with a splash and was still causing ripples.

Everyone couldn’t stop talking about her, about what a good swimmer she was even though some of her strokes were sloppy, in my opinion.

And they went on and on about how pretty she was.


Just because she had deep dimples and bright blue eyes didn’t mean she was pretty.

And it definitely didn’t make her the hottest girl on the team.

All modesty aside, I had much longer legs and a much slimmer waist. I had a broader back and bigger shoulders.

Granted, she had bigger boobs, but that didn’t make her a better swimmer. I mean, didn’t they just weigh her down?

The worst part was that Christina had everyone fooled.

All the other girls admired her and all the guys stared at her with gaping jaws and wide eyes, and no doubt, if they were wearing Speedos, they’d have tents pitched in them, too.

I was the only one who saw her for what she really was – a showoff, a desperate attention hog, a second rate swimmer, Ms. Goody-Two-Shoes, Ms. Congeniality, a phony…I had a lot more names for her in mind.

I tried to tell the others but they wouldn’t believe me.

They thought I was just jealous or intimidated by her.

Me? Jealous?

Intimidated by the likes of her?

No way. I couldn’t stand her and that was it.

How could I when I knew she was just using swimming to get attention, to get everyone eating out of her hand?

I could stand know-it-alls and snobs and flirts but not phonies.

Each time I saw that fake smile on her face, I wanted to throw her into the pool.

I couldn’t stand Christina.


Why did she have to join the swim team?

Couldn’t she have just tried track?

And why did she have to transfer to this university, of all places?

Why did she have to come here?

What trick of fate was this?

My thoughts came to an abrupt halt as I felt a stab of pain on the back of one of my legs.


