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“I was trying to shoot Mike-Mike, not you or Murder. I thought he was going to kill you. If he killed you, then it would be my fault since I’m the one helped him get out. I did all of this to save you. Don’t you understand?” Laura said.

“For me? Don’t sit here and say you did all this for me. You did it so you could get away with hiding a whole fucking baby from your other kids. Now you’re trying to stand here and act like you’re the fucking hero. Not to fucking day, Laura,” Lawrynn said.

“I’m not gonna tell you again to stop calling me Laura. I’m your fucking mother,” Laura said as she walked up to Lawrynn.

“Back the fuck up. We’re here to talk about shit, not fight. If you hit her, I will knock your ass out. Now fuck with me,” Murder said.

She looked at Lawrence to see if he was going to jump in after Murder threatened her.

“What the hell you looking over here for? I feel just like he does right now,” he told her.

“Yo, you not gonna touch my mama, nigga,” LJ said.

Murder laughed in his face then turned back to Laura.

“You heard what the fuck I said. I’m not worried about your son because he can’t beat my ass. If he jumps this way, y’all will be picking out another casket,” Murder said.

“We need to talk about this price you have on my mama’s head. Nigga, just call off your dogs, and we’ll all go on about our lives,” Lamelle said.

“I’m not calling off shit. Call my fucking nuts off, bitch boy. All the shit your mama has done, she better be glad her head is still on her fucking shoulders,” Murder said.

“Are you gonna sit here and let him disrespect our mama like that, Lawrynn?” Lamelle asked.

Murder mocked him by saying the same thing he just said in a high-pitched female sounding voice. Lamelle’s face balled up at the fact that Murder was making fun of him right now. He took a couple of steps, only for Murder and his gun to meet him halfway.

“Murder, put the gun down,” Lawrynn said. “We’re not here for all that. The point of the meeting is to get some answers. That’s exactly what I plan on doing,” she told him. She walked over to her mother and just looked at her for a few minutes. “All these years it took all of this drama for me to see that you were never for me or any of your kids for that matter. I used to do every and anything for you, just so you can toss me to the side. When I first got in the hospital, you only came to cause a scene. Then when Nikki attacked me, you came for fifteen fucking minutes then you got updates from everyone else.

“There’s no way you can call yourself a mother when you neglect your daughter who was temporarily blind, and you never even called to see how the hell she was doing. You shot my man, and instead of admitting your fuck up, which is something you never do by the way, you just haul ass to your baby daddy’s house and pull him into your bullshit. His stupid ass is under your spell too because here he is on a fucking dummy mission just like the rest of us.

“You even pulled your other sister into this shit. You put a whole child on her to raise while you moved heaven and earth for the love of a man that you cheated on in the first damn place. We haven’t seen Auntie in years and you two don’t even talk about her anymore. What the fuck is up with that? Everything that’s wrong with this family is because of your toxic ass,” Lawrynn said.

“I didn’t just drop her off to her, and she agreed to take care of her. It was a mutual agreement,” Laura said, rolling her eyes. “Whatever I did back then is already done and can’t change. You keep acting like you have all your shit together and you’re up here siding with the man who wants to kill your mother,” Laura said.

Murder stepped up as if he was about to chime in on the argument, but Lawrynn held her hand up to stop his words before they came out.

“No, baby, I got this one. This man that you say I’m siding with, well let’s see what he’s done for me since being in my life like he has been, shall we? He has been here with and for me since we started talking. He’s stayed in the hospital with me the whole time I was there. He even stayed up there with me when Nell was in the hospital. He’s been to every fucking therapy session and doctor’s appointment that I’ve had. He has never told me no. In fact, he gets upset with me when I tell him thank you. We can’t forget the biggest thing he’s done. He jumped in front of a bullet for me. It was your bullet too, wasn’t it? I was standing here wondering while you were talking. If you were aiming for Mike-Mike, why is it that Murder jumped in front of me and caught your bullet? Can you answer that for me, Mama?” Lawrynn asked.

“I-I-I told you that I was aiming for Mike-Mike. Murder just got in the way. I would never try to hurt you. I love you, Lawrynn, please believe me,” she pleaded.

“So, you got Mike-Mike out of jail to try and kill him?” Cornelius asked the one question everyone was thinking about. All eyes were on Laura as she looked around nervously.

“I’m with you on that shit right there, Corn. She’s lying her ass off right now. All that fucking stuttering and shit. I guess you will stop at nothing to cover your own ass. Aiming a gun at our daughter all behind some bullshit you started is fucking pathetic. I regret ever fucking with your dumb ass. If you come around me again, I promise you that I will kill your ass and love very fucking moment of watching you die. Fucking pathetic ass bitch,” Lawrence said. He was so mad that spit was flying everywhere.

“Daddy, don’t let her get you that upset. Go outside and get some air. Murder and I will be out there shortly,” Lawrynn told her dad.

He slapped Laura so hard that the impact sounded off in the empty warehouse.

“Really, Ma? I was trying to be here for you, but this shit is ridiculous. Why would you even want us to help you do all this shit when you were the one who started the shit in the first place? You are fucking pathetic. I’m out,” LJ said then got up to walk out the door.

Lamelle shook his head at his mother and father. Saying nothing, he left right behind his brother.

“You can’t lie or explain your way out of this one. You were trying to kill me. I don’t even care why you were trying to hurt or kill me. The reasoning isn’t even important to me. As of this moment, I don’t have a mother anymore. If you see me on the street, don’t speak to me because I damn sure ain’t gonna speak to you. Murder, don’t kill her. Let her live with the fact that she’s lost her daughter and will never get to see her grandchildren. I don’t care what the rest of y’all do, but I don’t want no parts of her. Don’t call to tell me how she’s doing or if she gets sick because I will tell you right now. I don’t give a fuck. Watch my motherfucking back because this is the last you will see of me,” Lawrynn said as she walked out of the room.

Laura looked around at everyone, hoping and praying that someone would stop Lawrynn from leaving.

“Are y’all just gonna let her walk away like that?” she asked the people who remained in the room.

“I guess you lost both of your girls. You may need to talk to your sons to see where they stand,” Murder told her.
