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“What are you talking about? Nikki’s not dead, she’s just locked up. Her court date is next week,” Laura said walking behind him.

“She died last night in an incident at the jail. You weren’t notified because your name was nowhere on her paperwork,” Murder said and briefly turned around to look her in the eye as he spoke.

He turned back around to continue his walk out the door when her heard her scream like someone was killing her.

Laura fell to her knees with her arms across her stomach like she was in serious pain. La-La looked at her sister and shook her head.

“How the hell are you so hurt over the death of a child you never claimed but let the one you raised walk right out the door?” La-La asked. “I’m leaving town and changing my number to a number that you will never get. Goodbye, Laura, I hope you change your ways before you die,” she said to her sister.

“Mommy, I love you. Call me when you get to where you’re going. Allen and I will come and visit. I just want you to find your happiness without a bunch of bullshit attached to it,” Nell told her mother as they hugged.

Nell and Allen walked La-La out. Cornelius was left standing there looking at the first woman to have his heart. She was reduced to a balled up mess on the floor broken and crying. He had done more than he needed to for her. She was still alive, and he knew that Murder was not going to kill her, so he had accomplished his goal. There was nothing left for him to do.

He walked out of the warehouse leaving Laura there with the person who had started all this drama and put everyone through all of these changes, herself.


Last night was the first night in a long time that Lawrynn had actually gotten some good rest. She was sleeping so well that she slept until four the next afternoon. When she saw the time after rolling over, she jumped out of bed. Lawrynn made it to the bathroom to take care of her hygiene then went to find Murder. She laughed when she found him on the couch looking at the same ratchet television that he complained about her watching.

“Why did you let me sleep so late?” she asked him.

“Why did you need to be up? You don’t have shit to do, so why not let you get your rest? Neither of us have anywhere to be. I called Pain up, and him and his

chick are coming over later,” he told her.

“Okay. I was thinking that we should go on vacation. Somewhere neither one of us have been. By tomorrow, we should be done with all the extra drama and bullshit, so we’ll be able to relax. I just want a couple of days just me and you. No phones or anything else. Can we do that?” she asked him.

“It’s whatever you want to do. Just let me know where you want to go, so I can make some phone calls to get everything set up.”

“I wanna go where there is pretty water and soft sand. We can make love on the beach under the moon light. That shit would be so sexy,” she said with her eyes closed and a smile on her face.

Murder watched and loved seeing her so relaxed. It was a change, but it was definitely a good one.

“Did he give you any mess about coming over here so we could all talk?” she asked Murder.

“Nah, he seemed more irritated that I asked him to bring old girl. I don’t know what’s going on with all that, but they coming,” Murder said.

“As long as she’s cool then I’ll be cool,” Lawrynn said. “Let’s go take a shower.”

Murder started smiling, knowing that if he got in the shower with her, there was no way they were gonna get out before all the hot water ran out.

“Get the door, Maurice,” Lawrynn said as she went to the fridge to get the wine and some glasses out.

“I don’t know why he even fucking knocking. He has a damn key just like I have one to his house,” Murder said as he went to the door.

Opening the door, he gave Pain some dap and Connie a head nod. Stepping to the side he let them walk in and noticed they were holding hands. “Follow me,” he said as he led them to where Lawrynn was in the kitchen area. “Honey, we have guests,” Murder said in the worst British accent ever.

“Hello, how are y’all doing?” Lawrynn asked while shaking her head at Murder. “Have a seat,” she said, trying to be a polite host.

“This house is really beautiful,” Connie said as she looked around.

“I’ll get right to the point. We asked y’all to come so we could clear the air one last time. I want to apologize to Pain for how I came at you the night that Murder got shot. I know Connie only stepped in because of how I came at you in the first place. Any woman would’ve stepped in to protect her man. I understand that. I know you know about the history between Pain and me. I want to let you know that me entertaining him in any other way then a friendly one will not happen. I’m woman enough to let you or anyone else know when I’m wrong. That being said, I want to let you know that you were way out of pocket the night Murder got shot. I understand to a point that you were coming to Pain’s defense. However, he’s a grown man and can speak for his damn self,” Lawrynn said.

She had to address the confrontation; her mind would not rest until Connie heard what she had to say. Murder looked at her and shook his head.

“I apologize for that. Pain explained the entire situation to me afterward. I admit that I was in my feelings at the time,” Connie said.

“If it happens again, just be aware that it will be fuck you, and your feelings, and every motherfucking thing you stand for. As long as we all understand that, then we’re gonna be cool. If you step out of line, I’ll step right with you,” Lawrynn said.
