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“No need to get hostile or make threats,” Connie said.

“I explained to Connie that your emotions were running high that night. I didn’t take what you said to heart, and she shouldn’t have either. We talked everything out between us, so we’re good now,” Pain said.

“Nigga, we go way the fuck back. There ain’t no way I’m going to even say that if I wouldn’t have seen the bitch holding the gun, I might’ve thought you did the shit too,” Murder said. Lawrynn punched him in the shoulder. “Ouch, Law what the hell you hit me for?” He asked, holding the shoulder that she hit him in.

“That’s not what you said when we were talking,” she said to him.

“I didn’t tell you that you had a big ass booger in your nose that day either,” he said and laughed. “I told you what I said because I knew he didn’t do the shit,” Murder said.

Pain sat there watching them go back and forth. It was at this moment he knew that Murder was the right person for Lawrynn. Seeing her happy and Murder actually smile hurt him and made him feel good at the same time. He really lost a good one when he lost her. Connie was supposed to be the one for him, but he wasn’t completely sold on the idea yet.

“They must’ve forgot we were here,” Connie whispered as she watched them just like Pain was doing.

“Aye, you two motherfuckers have company, man, damn,” Pain said, making both of them look at him.

“Look at that hating ass nigga over there, baby,” Murder said.

“I ain’t hating, but I don’t want to see all that shit. Is that all y’all called us over here for?” he asked.

“Pain, let’s go down to the man cave and let these two talk shit about us in peace,” Murder said and stood to his feet. They headed to the cave, and when they got in, Murder shut and locked the door.

“Damn, what the fuck you locking the door for?” Pain asked, looking down at the floor to see if he was standing on plastic. Murder was still his dude, but he was still Murder, so you can never be too sure.

“Nigga, I know you not looking to see if it’s plastic on the floor. I ain’t gonna kill your ass. Your old scary ass,” Murder said and laughed.

“Why you lock the door?” Pain asked again.

“Go ’head and fix you a drink. I got something I want to show you. I gotta tell you some good shit too. I don’t want them bringing their nosey ass down here all unexpected and shit,” Murder said as he headed toward the wall safe.

When he came back, he had a small, velvet open box in his hand. Pain looked at the box and started choking on his drink.

“You going all out, I see,” Pain said as he inspected the three rings in the box. “Don’t she already have on an engagement ring, though?” Pain asked.

“Yeah, but I had to get another one. Every time I see that ring on her finger, I think about me laid out shot. Hearing that pain and fear in her voice fucked me up, man. I think I have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder behind that night. I had to get her one to replace that shit. It’s not gonna stop the dreams and shit. Them shits will stop eventually on their own,” Murder said.

“Damn, that’s fucked up. You might need to go see a head doctor,” Pain suggested.

“Nah, I don’t need a doctor to tell me that I have trust issues. I know that shit already. So, what’s going on with you and shorty out there?” he asked.

“We just chilling right now, but we’ll see how it goes. I’m on pause with her because of how she flipped out the night you got shot, but we’ll see,” Pain answered.

“I thought y’all were good,” Murder replied.

“I think I need to be alone for a while, but me and her can date or whatever. I just know I don’t need to be with a woman right now. I’m gonna fuck it all up if we put a title on what we have going on,” Pain honestly revealed.

“Let me find out you’re out this motherfucker growing up and shit. Think about it, though. You were digging her since you saw her. Think about the look on your face when she turned out to be the doctor for Nikki. I think you need to stop being a punk and go for it with her. I know you told me about the little argument y’all had, but this relationship shit ain’t perfect. We all know men ain’t perfect. I say go for it. Life’s too damn short for wishy washy shit,” Murder said.

Pain thought about what Murder said. He knew that all relationships can’t be perfect. They took work and effort. The way she questioned him about him still being friends with Murder and Lawrynn definitely rubbed him the wrong way. He was still digging her, but he was just a little more hesitant about jumping into a relationship with her. He could just take it slow and peep out how she moves before he decided on what he wanted to do with what they had.

“Real talk, I want wh

at you and Lawrynn have. Y’all go hard in the paint for each other. Then seeing y’all in there going back and forth like we weren’t even here. That’s the type of shit I need in my life. Just don’t break her heart like I did. Take care of her,” Pain told Murder.

“Oh, nigga, trust and believe I’ll always take care of her. That’s my fucking heart and soul in there. She knows that shit too. I’m cool with her knowing, though. I’ll tell her that shit every chance I get. Thank you for fucking up, my nigga,” Murder said as he held out his hand for Pain to shake.

“When is the wedding?” Pain asked.

“That’s the other reason I brought you down here. She wants to go on vacation tomorrow. I was thinking that the last two days of the vacation, I can fly y’all to where we are and have the wedding then,” Murder said.
