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"We want to watch the first Percy Jackson movie again," Sienna says, backed up by an eager Chloe and Lucas.

"I want to see that romantic comedy with doctors that came out last year," Victoria says, making me wince. The woman truly has dreadful taste in movies.

"You're outnumbered," Lucas points out.

"Christopher hasn't cast his vote,” Victoria retaliates. “And his vote counts twice."

"Why?" the kids ask in unison.

"Because I need someone on my side." She looks at me expectantly. The wheels start turning in my head, measuring my chances of being denied the pleasure of sinking into her tonight if I don't side with her.

Fuck this. I'm not putting myself and the kids—but mostly myself because I'm a selfish bastard—through two hours of hell just to get laid. Besides, I'm confident enough in my seductive abilities to persuade Victoria in case I have to.

"I vote Percy Jackson."

Victoria gasps. The kids burst out laughing at the same time.

"I'm sorry, but you have terrible taste," I inform her.

"I keep telling her that," Sienna says.

"I can't believe you're siding with them." Victoria folds her arms over her chest, shaking her head. "Fine, you all win. Let's watch Percy Jackson for the tenth time," she says with a huff, sitting at the far corner of the couch. When I attempt to sit next to her, she gives me the evil eye, plopping her bowl of cookies there.

"My cookies need their own seat," she states.

Right. I foresee a lot of seductive work being required tonight. But I'm more than up to the task.

Within a few minutes, the room is dark, the TV is on, and we're watching in silence.

I sit next to Victoria's bowl. Lucas sits next to me. Chloe and Sienna are at the other end of the couch, wolfing down nachos with guacamole. Midway through the movie, Chloe changes places, wiggling herself between Victoria and me while holding the bowl in her lap. As Chloe rests her little head against my arm, it dawns on me how trusting these kids are. Yeah, their almost-intimidating attempt at grilling me was a surprise, but they've been accepting and welcome all-around. I make myself a promise. I won’t let them down.

I peek at Victoria, who is watching Chloe with a bright smile. She snaps her gaze up, sending me an air kiss, and I know I'm forgiven. But that doesn't mean I won't employ some of my world-class seduction techniques. It'd be a shame to waste them.

After the movie ends, Victoria informs Chloe that it's her bedtime, and it's non-negotiable. Chloe pouts for a few good minutes, but by the frequency of her yawns, even she knows she'll fall asleep soon.

"I'm going up with Chloe to make sure she goes through her routine," Sienna tells Victoria, in an obvious attempt to give us some alone time.

"Lucas, are you coming upstairs too?" Sienna inquires, but Lucas is too busy rattling about his latest soccer game to do anything more than shake his head. Sienna glares at him but doesn't insist.

Some ten minutes later, we move from talking about soccer moves to soccer players when Chloe pops into the living room wearing neon green pajamas and clutching a book against her chest.

"I'm coming right away to read your story, Chloe," Victoria says. "Lucas, you should really go to bed too."

"But Christopher is still telling me about the players."

"Let's make a deal," I chime in. "Lucas and I will clean up while talking, and when we're done, he'll go to bed."

Lucas nods eagerly and pumps his fist in the air when Victoria agrees.

Chapter Twenty


After Chloe falls asleep, I tiptoe out of her room. Soft music comes from Sienna's room, and I'm about to check if Lucas is up too when I see him climbing the staircase, smiling before disappearing in the bathroom. Descending the stairs, I find Christopher in the kitchen, looking sexy as sin.


Snapping his
