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head up, he glances my way, offering me a sly smile. "You're a quick reader."

"Chloe fell asleep when I reached the part where Cinderella sneaks away to go to the ball."

I lean against the counter and Christopher encircles me in his arms. His presence fills the room, and I can't help thinking how effortlessly he’s slipped into our routine. It scares me. He drags the back of his hand down my cheek in a gesture so tender, I all but melt in his arms.

"I don't get why Cinderella is considered a story fit for kids," he says with a smirk.

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"She snuck out of her house, trusted a completely random woman to give her clothes—by the way, I think that was code for she got high and imagined a fairy godmother—and then made out with a guy she barely knew."

For all of two seconds, I'm convinced he's pulling my leg, but nope. My man is serious.

"She didn't actually make out with the prince. And her family was evil."

"That's beside the point. What kind of example is that for young, impressionable girls?" He pinches his brows together, frowning as if concentrating on solving a mystery.

"You win the trophy for the world’s most adorabilicious man."

"That's not a word," he deadpans.

"I just made it one. Relax, they're just stories."


"You know, we've been alone for almost a minute, and you haven't even tried to kiss me."

"Counting the seconds, were you?"

I shrug one shoulder, trying to play it cool.

"After the whole movie debate, I was sure I had to work hard to get back in your good graces."

"I admit I was going to grill you pretty hard, but your adorabiliciousness changed my mind."

"Stop repeating that word."

"Why? Is it assaulting your masculinity?"

"Ah, no, thanks for the concern. My masculinity is just fine, thank you. My ego on the other hand—"

I silence him by popping open the top button of his shirt and placing a kiss on the patch of skin I revealed. He sucks in a deep breath as I lick the hollow at the base of his neck.

Christopher backs me against the kitchen counter, rocking his hips into me. I swallow when I realize he’s hard as steel. Pushing a strand of hair behind my ear, he tilts my head up.

"I love that you can't get enough of me."

"Pride is a sin, you know that?" My voice comes out as a strangled whisper because Christopher's mouth is at the base of my neck, nipping and biting gently.

"So is tempting me."

"I'm not doing anything," I point out, holding my hands up to prove my point. Christopher is too busy doing delicious things to my neck to pay me any attention.

"Oh, you tempt me all the time. Everything about you is a temptation."

"You're a bad man, seducing me like this," I say weakly. "Do you want to go to my room?"

"I thought you'd never ask."
