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"No, that was all the kids. I just helped them build it." Something on my expression gives me away, because the next thing I know, Christopher lets go of me, stepping back. "Did you really want a vanity table?”

Oh hell, I don't want to lie to him, but I also don't want to come across as ungrateful. I weigh the pros and cons of each course of action in my mind and ultimately go for honesty.

"No, all those pictures were for research. For a client."

"Damn it, I had a feeling."

"I shouldn't have told you." Biting my lip, I add, "But it was really nice of you to build it."

"Telling me is a good idea. I'm a big proponent of honesty. Pain now saves pain later. Otherwise, you could set yourself up for a lifetime of bad presents."

I try very hard not to swoon at the word “lifetime,” but I swoon anyway. I chastise myself, because he could have been referring to a lifetime of bad presents from the kids.

He hauls me up against him, kissing the tip of my nose, making me swoon again. Pinching my lips together, I hold back the love declaration threatening to spill out of me. Despite everything, I don't know if he's there yet, and I don't want to scare him off, or for him to feel pressured.

I really hope he's there too, because the feeling of having his arms wrapped around me, and his warm breath on my neck? I don't want to be without it ever again.

Chapter Twenty-Nine


Preparing the birthday dinner is a wild affair. The arguments start the second Victoria announces she'll start cooking—alone. Sienna makes the case that the birthday girl must be spoiled. Victoria stubbornly holds her ground, refusing to let Sienna and me cook or order food. That's when I step in and save the day, if I do say so myself. I pull her into an empty room, kiss her thoroughly, and let her know she won't receive my present unless she relents. No one said saving the day couldn’t involve playing dirty.

Victoria agrees, with the caveat that she help too. I give in. I think it's called a compromise. Of course, once we start working, Lucas and Chloe poke their heads in the kitchen, insisting they want to help too, eyeing the set of knives on the counter while practically salivating at the idea of chopping vegetables… or fingers. I toy with the idea of giving them something benign to do, like I did when we were building the vanity table, but the damn kitchen is a death trap.

In the end, Victoria offers to watch a movie with Lucas and Chloe, effectively leaving the kitchen to Sienna and me. You'd think we planned this. Judging by the smug look on Sienna's face, she might have.

"Did you put Chloe and Lucas up to this?" I ask.

She shrugs, retrieving the ingredients out of the fridge. "It was their idea to help. I just told them to focus on the knives excessively."

"When did you talk to them?"

"When you pulled Victoria away to talk to her alone, I’m pretty sure that talking included ‘doing the kissing.’" She imitates Chloe to perfection.

"I'm impressed."

Two hours later, the guests arrive: their Aunt Christina, her husband Bill, and their kids. Christina sizes me up, and I can tell dinner will be a test, but I'm confident I'll pass. We first enjoy the roast beef with herb crust, alongside caramelized shallots and mushrooms that Sienna and I cooked, then the cake that was delivered from Alice's restaurant. By the time the guests leave, it's almost midnight.

"Where's my present?" Victoria asks afterward, once Sienna has taken Chloe upstairs to prepare her for bed and Lucas is in his room. "And I swear if you just made it up to convince me earlier, you'd better improvise fast."

"I didn't make it up," I assure her.

"What did you get me?"

"You'll see."

Just as Victoria opens her mouth, Chloe steps inside, clutching her old fairytale book to her chest. Ah, so tonight will be a reading night. A few times a week, she asks Victoria to read to her until she falls asleep.

"I'll be right up to read, sweetheart," Victoria says.

"Can Christopher read my story toni

ght?" Chloe asks, bouncing back and forth on her toes. This is the first time she's asked this. Victoria lets out a loud breath, and it takes me a second to realize she's interpreting my silence as hesitation.

"Sure, I'll do it," I say. “It would be an honor, Chloe.”

Chloe takes my hand, leading me out of the living room and up the staircase, then down a narrow hallway. Her room is all the way to the back.
