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"Do you like my room?" she asks shyly as we walk in, pink assaulting my eyes from every direction.

"It suits you," I reply.

She points toward the big beanbag opposite her bed, saying, "Victoria usually is there when she reads to me."

"Beanbag's mine, then." Grabbing the book from Chloe's hand, I plop myself on the surprisingly comfortable seat. "What do you want me to read to you?"

Climbing in her bed, Chloe pulls her brows together. "Cinderella. It's my favorite one."

The book cracks open at the page where Cinderella starts, which means it’s been opened at this exact place numerous times before. In fact, this book is coming apart at the seams.

"Why don't you buy another book?" I ask. "This one's going to fall apart soon."

"It was Mom's," Chloe says in a small voice, hugging her pillow. "She had it from her Mom."

"Ah, a family heirloom." I rack my brain to come up with something funny to say to cheer her up, but I draw blank.

"When Victoria reads to me, I sometimes imagine Mom's reading," Chloe continues. "Now I can imagine Dad's doing it."

Her voice is hopeful, almost cheerful, but I feel like someone just stabbed me. This little girl is climbing in my heart, taking permanent residence there. Jesus. No one should lose their parents, much less at her age.

Chloe falls asleep midway through the story. I place the book on her nightstand, then leave the room carefully without making noise.



Pacing my room/office, I'm on pins and needles as I wait for Christopher to join me. I all but melted when Chloe asked him to read her bedtime story. My little girl has completely let him in her heart, as have I.

When I hear the floor in front of the door creak, I swirl around, zeroing in on his imposing frame. I'll never tire of drinking him in: the beautifully groomed three-day beard, the broad shoulders and the expanse of his chest, those strong arms capable of making me feel cherished, protected, and wanted when they close around me.

"You didn't say you had a surprise for me." His rough bedroom voice jolts me from my thoughts, and I cross my hands behind my back as Christopher undresses me with his eyes. Not that I'm wearing much… just a black lace, strapless camisole with matching lace panties, which I bought especially for this occasion. He seems to greatly appreciate them.

Stepping closer to me, his gaze becomes more predatory by the second. Making a man like him lose control sends delicious tingles down my spine. Tipping my head back, he gives me a kiss as rough as it is breathtaking.

"You're gorgeous." He whispers the words against my skin as his lips trail down my neck, resting at the base, where my sweet spot is. "But before you unleash your seduction plan on me, don't you want your present?"

Ah, decisions, decisions. On the one hand, the man is coaxing my sweet spot. On the other hand, I'm a present junkie. My dark side wins, and I step back, holding up my hand expectantly. The corners of his mouth twitch.

"Turn around." His voice is low, commanding, and oh-so-alluring.

"Are you trying to trick me into having office sex with you?" I tease but turn around, wiggling my butt against his crotch for good measure.

"I don't need any tricks for that, Victoria." Sweeping my hair to one side, he kisses the side of my neck, while I feel him rummage in his pocket. Seconds later, he holds a necklace in front of me. The pendant hanging on the thin white gold thread is a beautiful diamond, and I'm stunned.

"Christopher!" I whisper.

"Do you like it?"

"Of course, it's beautiful. Thank you, but I…." My words trail as he clasps the necklace around my neck, the diamond resting on my skin. There is a mirror on the wall behind my desk, and we have a direct view.

"It looks perfect on you." Wrapping his arms around my waist, he pulls me flat against him.

Feeling the need to look straight at him, and not just merely through a mirror, I turn around.

"You didn't have to buy me this. I would've been happy with anything."

"You deserve something special."
