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He shrugs. “I have no fucking idea. Time will tell.”

I move past the discussion about his dad. “What are your plans for work?”

“We’ll get to that.” He circles his fingertip over my bare thumbnail. “First, I want to tell you about my agreement with Ivan.”

I move back slightly. “What agreement?”

“You’re in charge of the rebranding of the bookstore.” He jerks a thumb over his shoulder. “We’re four blocks from there so on your way home from work every day you can stop in and check progress. You’re taking the lead on this. It’s hands-off for the interim CEO of Garent. This is all you.”

I hone in on the one thing he just said that caused my heart to skip a beat. “On my way home?”

“Move in here, Bella.” He rests a hand on my bare thigh. “Live with me. Love me. Let me spoil you with backrubs, and good food, and great sex.”

“Yes,” I say because I want nothing more. “I’ll move in.”

He kisses me softly on the mouth. “We’ll bring your things over whenever you’re ready.”

Soon. I have to tell Gina. I know she’ll be happy for me.

“I’m looking at office space a few blocks from Garent’s building next week.”

A smile curves my lips. “For?”

He kicks himself free of the tangled bed coverings before he stalks toward his clothes.

I stare at his body. “You’re beautiful.”

That rewards me with a dimpled grin. “Said the most beautiful person in the world.”

I laugh off his comment. “What are you doing?”

He scoops his jeans off the floor and tugs something from the back pocket. “I made some mock-ups of my new business cards.”

He hands his business card from Garent to me.

I question him silently with a perk of my brows.

“Turn it over.”

I flip it and read what’s written in his handwriting.

Adler Consulting

I look over at him when he settles next to me again. “You’re starting your own business?”

With a curt nod, he answers. “I’ve been batting the idea around for years. I’ve saved a lot of money. It gives me enough of a cushion that I can take the plunge. Now seems like the perfect time.”

With skepticism edging my tone, I ask the obvious question. “Did you quit Garent because of us?”

“I don’t want to sneak around town with you.” He tucks a lock of my hair behind my ear. “That factored into it, but there’s more. Ivan planned to bring Duke back as CEO eventually. He told me as much when I called him from California. To stay with the company long-term, I would have had to move back to Chicago for a job there. I wanted out and Ivan let me go without a fight. I’ve considered starting my own venture for some time. This is the push I needed to do that.”

I cock my head. “Tell me more about the business.”

“There’s value in helping people rework their visions. I saw that in what we started to do for Misty and Rusten. I saw it with Empire Soaks. I want to do more. Business management consulting, rebranding, corporate reorganization, you name it.”

“Wow.” I stare down at the card.

“This is your dream too, Bella.” He reaches for my hand. “I saw it in that notebook you had in your desk drawer.”
