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I refused to let the situation overwhelm me. I owned my mistake. It’s an error I plan on fixing as soon as I get to the office. That’s why I tucked the vibrator box in my oversized red purse last night. It’s going right back where it came from. I’ll reorder it when I’m logged into my personal account.

My biggest hope for today is that there’s no added tension between my boss and me because of last night. He promised that it would be our little secret, and I trust his word. Time will tell if that’s a smart move on my part or not.

I breeze through the lobby of the Garent Industries building, heading straight for the elevator. My purse is slung over my shoulder, and I have a large coffee from Palla on Fifth in my hand.

I stopped in there at seven-fifteen. When Palla offered me the larger cup, I took it without question. I’ll need the extra boost of caffeine to get through my longer-than-usual day.

I could have hung out at home, but I have work I can do. I’ll answer my early morning em

ails until Barrett shows up to give me the day’s itinerary.

As soon as I arrive on my floor, I know that Barrett has beaten me to the office. His deep voice carries through the space, booming against the walls.

I take a step off the elevator and freeze. The doors slide shut behind me before it races to another floor.

“You don’t get it, do you?” Barrett’s voice snaps through the silence. “I’m going to see her whether you like it or not. You can’t dictate who she has a relationship with.”

I can’t string anything together with those bare-bones pieces of information, so I move closer to his office door, being careful to stay out of his view.

“I know you’re her father.” He laughs, but it’s not joyful, it’s filled with spite. “She’s an adult. Any control you had over her ended years ago.”

Whoever she is, she’s damn lucky to have him fighting so hard to be with her.

“This discussion is over.”

I inch back toward the corridor that leads to the washroom. I’ll duck in there if need be. I don’t want him to know that I was listening to a private call.

“Let her live her damn life.” His voice cracks. “Isn’t it time you let her choose?”

I hear a muted curse followed by footsteps.

Before he’s out of his office, I’m in the ladies’ room with the door slightly ajar, listening to the tap of his shoe against the concrete floor as he waits for the elevator.


Twenty minutes later Barrett strolls off of the elevator with a large cup from Palla on Fifth in his hand and a smirk on his face.

He’s dressed impeccably today in a light gray suit, a white shirt, and a dark blue tie. The man has excellent taste in clothing and coffee.

“You’re here early,” he remarks as he nears my desk. “You must have snuck in when I went to get a coffee.”

Sure. That’s it.

I avoid telling a lie by using the tried and true tactic of deflection. “Marcy Clover called a few minutes ago. She’d like to see you this morning.”

I know he’s set on shutting down Empire Soaks as soon as he can. That’s why I made a few phone calls over the weekend to try and stop that in its tracks. I have strings to pull and favors to cash in. The Calvettis know a lot of people in New York.

He glances at the watch on his wrist. “Schedule that for ten. I can give her fifteen minutes.”

“She can’t leave the store, so I told her you’d be there from ten until eleven since you have nothing else booked.”

“You what?”

There’s a bite of irritation in his tone. I don’t need to look up into his face to know that he’s frustrated, but I do anyway.

Yep. His handsome face is twisted into a scowl.

“It will give you a chance to see the store,” I say calmly. “The subway runs two blocks from Empire Soaks. I can send you directions if you want.”
