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I fall in place next to her, keeping up with her quick pace as she weaves seamlessly around the people headed toward us. “Who the fuck is Jo?”

A smile curves her lips. “The owner. I’ve been going to Crispy Biscuit for years.”

Of course she has. This city owns a piece of Bella’s heart.

I have no fucking idea what it feels like to give a piece of your heart away, but if this ache inside my chest and this desire to spend every goddamn second of my life with her is any indication, Isabella Calvetti owns all of my heart. She owns all of me.

Chapter 48


“Vegetable eggs benedict.” Barrett pierces the perfectly cooked egg yolk with the fork in his hand, sending the bright yellow liquid cascading over the grilled portabella mushroom and roasted peppers. “You say this is delicious?”

I point at the avocado-lime hollandaise sauce. “That is the best part. I have to fight with myself not to lick the plate when I’m done.”

“I’d love to watch that.”

I contain a laugh as I slice my knife through the egg on my plate. “If this isn’t pure satisfaction, I don’t know what is.”

Barrett lets out a chuckle. “I can think of a few other things I’d consider pure satisfaction.”

That sets a blush up my cheeks. I take a sip of ice water to try and flush it away. “Take a bite and see for yourself.”

He does. He scoops up a bit of everything on his plate onto his fork. I watch his face as he chews slowly. His eyes close briefly before his head bobs in a nod. “This is fucking amazing.”

“I know, right?” I giggle. “I told Jo she should put it on the menu. It would sell like hotcakes, although the hotcakes here are amazing. We can try those the next time we come.”

I curse silently for letting that slip. I want there to be a next time or a million more next times, but I don’t know if he does.

“Sounds like a plan.” Barrett washes down another bite of food with coffee. “Let’s talk about the bookstore.”

I’ve been processing everything since we left Rusten’s Reads. At first, I was stunned that Barrett was saving the store, but when I realized where the ideas for the rebranding came from I was touched.

I should be pissed, but I’m feeling too grateful for that.

He looks down at the copy of Pride and Prejudice on the table. Patting his hand on the cover, he gazes at me. “This is how it all started.”

“That book?” I raise a brow.

“It’s the only Jane Austen novel you don’t own.” He slides the book across the table toward me.

I slide it back at him. “I already own it.”

“You don’t.” He studies my face. “You keep all of Jane Austen’s other novels in the bottom drawer of your desk. This is the only one you’re missing.”

With a push of his fingers, the book is next to my plate.

“I have two copies at home.”

“I asked your sister if you did when I went there to find you the other night.”

Gina wouldn’t know a good book if it fell on her head. My sister is incredibly smart and innovative, but books have never been a big love for her. Not the way they’ve been for me.

“She told you I didn’t?”

He nods slowly. “I even asked her to go to your room to check.”

Since both of my copies of Pride and Prejudice are sitting on top of my nightstand, Gina must have had her eyes closed when she went on that search mission. Or she was looking at her phone’s screen.
