Page 63 of Best Served Cold

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“Then trust yourself to be able to fly. You have friends, you have family now. And they will never let you down. They may not always do exactly what you want, but they will never truly abandon you. I can see a lot of possibilities in

your life. You are going to do great things if you just allow yourself to stop being so scared all the time.” Renee stood up.

“Will I ever see you again? I mean, since you’re a free agent of sorts...”

“You will see me again. And I can add to your blessings. Ms. Pope doesn’t have to worry about the second half of our agreement.”

“How can I get in touch with...”

“Just let her know. If the time is right, you will see me again. But not before.”

Stacy walked out, absolutely stunned with all the information she’d been given.

“How did it go? Was it that bad, or that good?” Tina asked. But before Stacy could answer, Tina’s phone rang. “Yes, ma’am. Okay. I’ll be there.” She hung up. “Do you mind if I drop you off at home? I have been requested to come help with one of the um, services.”


* * * * * *

Several days had passed since she saw the psychic, and she didn’t feel any closer to a decision. She did, however, have to deal with grumpy elves who had manhandled her, a succubus who tried to corner her in the hallway, and cleaning up one of the conference rooms when a negotiation session went really bad.

Chewing on her lip, she didn’t really see anything she passed as she made her way to the elevator. She could barely remember how she got home. It was as though she’d had one blow after another. She’d only been allowed to go home because Tina came in to take over before she tried to punch Marix in the face. Again.

Her phone began to chime. She didn’t want to answer it, but she knew she had to. What if Tina needed her to come back?


“Do we really have to go through lawyers? Honestly, you can’t imagine what I had to do just to get in touch with my wife!”

“I’m not your wife. I haven’t been for a very long time.”

“Yeah, I still have paperwork that says differently. And I am not going to sign this until we have had a talk.”

“I thought you said you would sign them.” A moment of panic washed through her.

“Maybe I changed my mind. Maybe I thought about this and I like the new you. You seem different. Maybe I want to start fresh.”

“You like that I have a better job, and probably want to know what it can do for you. So cut the crap. What do you really want?”

There was a giggle in the background. “You know what, let me think about it for a few more days. I will call you back on this number. So make sure you answer.” He hung up without even saying goodbye.

Stacy was pissed. She punched the small button and waited for the elevator to arrive. A small growl escaped her when she saw Demetri standing inside as the doors opened.

He lifted an eyebrow. “Bad day?”

Stacy had reached her limit. No, she’d been pushed past it. She needed to do something, and she was either going to punch him or fuck him. Shoving him back into the corner of the elevator, she grabbed a handful of his hair and yanked him down to her. When their lips touched, there was nothing gentle about the kiss. She bit down on his lower lip, then thrust her tongue into his mouth.

She continued kissing him forcefully until she felt arousal battling the desire to lash out at something...anything. Her frustration with allowing herself to get comfortable, her ex’s unspoken threat to draw out their divorce, and pure carnal desire battled inside of her.

“Fuck me, or get the fuck away from me,” she demanded, still unsure if she wanted to hold on to him or run away as fast as she could.

Again, Demetri’s eyebrow lifted. He leaned into her and she assumed he pressed a button, because the elevator started to move. He lowered his head to her, but she refused to allow him to take control of this situation.

“No.” She pulled away and started ripping at his shirt. She didn’t care if she put a hole in it or if the buttons scattered. He needed to be out of it, and now. She needed her brain to cut off so that she could just enjoy being with him.

He didn’t say anything, he just allowed her to do whatever she wished. With another growl, she ripped the shirt apart and pulled it down over his shoulders. It fell to the floor of the elevator when the doors opened.

“My game, my rules,” she told him, sucking his lower lip into her mouth, then biting it. “I want you naked before you get to my apartment, or you don’t come inside.”
