Page 50 of No Wind of Blame

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‘My gracious goodness me!’ exclaimed Ermyntrude. The key was in the lock, the Inspector turned it, and opened the case. ‘A Holland & Holland, and a Rigby,’ he said, after examining the two rifles.

‘That’s what I told you,’ said Ermyntrude mechanically.

‘Are there any cartridges for any of the three rifles, or did you turn them in when Mr Fanshawe died?’

‘Oh, I don’t know! I can’t remember. There used to be cartridges in that drawer.’

The Inspector pulled it open, disclosing various gun accessories, and a broken box containing a handful of cartridges. ‘I’ll take these, if you please,’ he said.

‘Take what you like,’ said Ermyntrude. ‘Oh dear, whatever does this mean?’

‘It means, madam, that your husband was shot by someone who had access to these guns.’

Ermyntrude flung out her hands in a wide gesture. ‘But that’s anyone!’

‘It can’t be quite anyone,’ said the Inspector. ‘It must have been someone who knew the house pretty well.’

‘Lots of people know it well enough to find their way to the gun-room. Any of Mr Carter’s friends, for instance. Oh dear, it seems to make it worse, somehow, knowing he was shot with one of my first husband’s guns! I don’t know what to think!’

The Inspector followed her back to the drawing-room, where she sank on to the sofa, looking as though she were on the verge of bursting into tears. This danger was averted by her suddenly becoming aware of his presence. It seemed to annoy her; she said sharply: ‘Well, what more do you want? I should have thought you’d done enough for one morning!’

‘Not quite,’ replied the Inspector. ‘I want to ask you a few questions about Mr Carter’s dealing with Percy Baker.’

Ermyntrude’s sagging shoulders straightened. ‘I’m not going to discuss it! It’s painful enough for me without you dragging it all up and insulting me with it.’

‘You informed me, madam, that Baker demanded five hundred pounds from Mr Carter.’

‘Yes, and if you ask me it was nothing but a try-on! Blackmail, that’s my name for it!’

‘I think I’d better tell you, madam, to save misunderstanding, that Baker denies that he ever asked for such a sum.’

Ermyntrude was quite unimpressed. ‘You don’t say so! I suppose you expected him to admit he’d been blackmailing my husband?’

‘I’ve reason to believe he may have been speaking the truth,’ said the Inspector slowly.

Ermyntrude’s eyes began to kindle wrathfully. ‘Oh, you have, have you?’

‘Are you quite sure that five hundred was the sum your husband told you?’

‘Yes, I am quite sure. Do you suppose I’d made a mistake about a thing like that?’ She got up, and went to the window. ‘Mary! Mary! Oh, there you are! Come in here, will you, dearie?’

Mary, who was sitting under the elm-tree with Hugh and Vicky, came at once. Ermyntrude drew her into the drawing-room, and pointed to the Inspector. ‘That man has given me the lie!’ she declared. ‘It’s not enough for me to have my husband murdered, I’ve got to be bullied and brow-beaten by the police!’

‘That’s not fair, madam. All I’m doing is to ask you if you’re sure the evidence you’ve given is correct. There’s no need—’

‘Silence!’ said Ermyntrude, rather magnificently. ‘Mary tell that creature how much money Wally wanted to pay off the Bakers!’

‘Five hundred pounds,’ said Mary.

‘Thank you, dearie. Now perhaps you’ll be satisfied, Inspector Cook?’

Mary glanced quickly towards the Inspector. ‘Is there some doubt about that? Five hundred was certainly the sum my cousin told me. I can’t have been mistaken, for I thought it was out of all reason, and I said so.’

‘Very well, miss,’ said the Inspector. ‘I won’t need to trouble you further at present. Good day, madam!’

After he had gone, Ermyntrude continued to fume until she was struck by the thoughtful expression on Mary’s face. She demanded to know its cause.

Mary said worriedly: ‘Aunt Ermy, why did he put that question?’
