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“Just say it, Sav. I wanna see your eyes when you say it, please.” I kiss the corner of her mouth, urging her once more.

Her eyes flutter open and she rolls her lip between her teeth, nervously. I tuck a stray strand of hair behind her ear trailing my thumb down her cheek and as her soft, green eyes casts a glance at me she breathes out, “I love you.”

Damn, this is the best feelin’. I kiss each corner of her mouth, then pull her lips between mine once more, the sensation makin’ me lightheaded and wracked with emotion. “I love you too, sweetheart.” A tear slips down her cheek but I catch it with my lips. She grasps at my hair, pulling me in closer as her lips latch onto mine. Damn, her lips are soft and velvety, like the delicate wing of a Monarch Butterfly and she tastes so frickin’ sweet. I begin to pepper kisses down her jaw, her cheeks stainin’ red as her skin fevers. “I need to love you, sweetheart. Need you to feel my lips against your skin.” My lips descend down her slender throat and she tilts her head back grantin’ me further access to nibble small kisses across her collarbone. “Do you need me to love you, Sav?” I ask, my hands roamin’ slowly down her arms, snaking around her back.

“Luke,” she mutters, her voice broken, her eyes hooded in lust. She swallows a moan and that is my undoin’.

Dippin’ my head, I capture her lips between mine, kissing her passionately as I lift her up by the ass, her legs wrapping around me with ease. “Gonna love ya real slow, sweetheart.” I whisper against her lips as I carry her into the bedroom.

I slide her body down mine, plantin’ her feet against the hardwood floor and gaze down in to her eyes. I undress her slowly, trailing warm kisses down her ivory skin and her breath hitches in her throat as a soft sigh falls from her lips. Sweet hell, she’s perfect. Her small hands find the hem of my shirt and she tugs it up over my head before raking her manicured nails slowly over my pecs. Graspin’ her wrist in my hand, I pull her flush against me and say, “You gotta tell me if this is too much okay, Sav?” I search her face for any doubt or apprehension, worried I may be rushin’ things with her.

She brazenly wraps my arm around her waist, resting it on the swell of her ass, pressing her heavy breast against me and begs, “Luke, please just love me.” Tippin’ up on her toes, she crashes her mouth against mine, her tongue trailin’ seductively across my lips, as she slides my shorts down my legs springing my hardened cock free. I lay her back against the bed, admirin’ her perfection as she looks at me with love fillin’ her eyes.

I set the music player on my phone, Don’t You Wanna Stay by Jason Aldean and Kelly Clarkson fills the room, settin’ the deliciously slow pace for which I plan to worship Savannah’s body, then remove a condom from the drawer in the nightstand.

Cagin’ her beneath me, I pin her arms above her head. “You steal my breath, sweetheart. So damn beautiful.” I mutter against her lips and she shudders in my arms, her eyes falling closed as a wanton smile tips up her lips. My hands roam freely, committing to memory the dip of her neck, the swell of her breasts, the curve of her soft hips. My hungry, greedy mouth devours every inch of her sensual skin, worshippin’ her as if her taste, touch, and love is all the nutrition I need to exist.

Savannah writhes against me, mewls of pleasure escapin’ her lips and she digs her nails into my shoulders as I lap my tongue over her taut nipple. My cravin’ for her heightens and I swirl the pad of my thumb over her sen

sitive clit, her slick heat begging for release.

She reaches over the nightstand, her hand fidgeting around until she finds the condom and our eyes lock as she rips the wrapper. A fleeting look of passion and anxiety flicker through her sparklin’ green eyes, and she rolls her lip between her teeth timidly. Reaching between us, she slides the condom over my rigid cock, strokin’ me ever so slightly. Damn it all to hell, if just the slightest touch from her doesn’t just about send me over the edge.

I press my body against hers, clutch the nape of her neck in my hand and press my forehead to hers as I ease myself inside her gently. She whimpers a straggled moan, her back bowing from the bed as she stretches around me, her face contorting with sheer, erotic pleasure. What a sight to behold. “Damn perfect, sweetheart.” I whisper, capturin’ her cries with my mouth as I hold her against my chest, rockin’ into her at a dangerously slow pace. My lips never leave hers as we make love. She locks her legs around my ass, pullin’ me deeper into her core, as she scrapes and marks my flesh.

“Luke!” She cries out, her core clenchin’ me tightly and hearin' my name fall from her lips in a cry of ecstasy is my undoin’. My lips encase hers, findin’ our release together-two shattered and broken souls tangled in a lustful rapture cleansing our souls of our wretched pasts.

I woke up this morning with strong arms embracing me and a scruffy beard scratching at my neck. “Mornin’ sweetheart.” Luke croons in my ear, his voice deep and husky. Stretching my arms and back, I turn over to face him and his smile is breathtaking.

“Good morning!” I sing sleepily, melting into his chest. He feathers a soft kiss to my forehead and I revel in the feeling of being guarded, cherished and loved. It’s all so foreign to me, but it feels amazing.

“How’d you sleep?” Luke asks, trailing his nose along mine.

“It’s like heaven being in your arms.” I say, raking my fingers through his dark brown hair and he moans against my lips. He’s so deliciously sexy.

The first time I ever laid eyes on Luke I was affected, but I didn’t understand why. His fierce, intent stare literally caused my knees to quake, but being so deeply terrified of men I just assumed it to be apprehension. When my world crumbled around me, Luke was the one there scraping my lifeless form up off the ground. When I let fear wrack my trembling body, consuming me whole, Luke was there to hold me. When the torrent seas became too much and I felt as if I was drowning, claimed by the destruction of my life, Luke was my anchor holding me afloat. It was so hard to not fall in love with him, and as much as I battled with myself, my head telling me to stay guarded caging my heart, my heart identified it’s other half, bursting free from the steel barrier, clutching onto Luke.

“Where’d ya go, sweetheart?” Luke asks, nipping at my lips.

“Sorry, just got a little caught up in my head.”

“Yeah, anything ya wanna talk about?” He asks, glaring at me. He knows me too well. I often grow silent, getting lost in myself when something is bothering me, but right now I’m so at peace and happy because everything is right.

“Luke, we’re here – together. I’ve tried to keep my feelings for you at bay for too long, because I was scared. Hell, I’m still scared. This is all so much to process. I never expected to believe in love again, because after being left in pieces at Josh’s hand, my faith in love diminished. But you consume me so deeply that it’s impossible to ignore how I feel any longer.” He nods, kissing my forehead. “I love you so much, but just because we’re here, finally admitting our feelings I don’t think we need to rush things. I’m yours, all yours. But I want us to take little steps. Is that okay with you?”

“Sav, I have you, that’s all that matters to me, sweetheart.”

And just like that, all my fears are squashed and the doubt is washed away.

“Can I ask you one more thing?”

“Sweetheart, you don’t have to ask me if you can talk about anything. I want you to be comfortable talkin’ to me about everything. Just say it.” He reassures.

“When did you know?” I ask, searching his piercing baby blues that are filled with an all-encompassing love, and I realize this is the same way he’s always looked at me for as long as I can remember. As if I’m all he sees.

“The first time you curled into my side on the porch swing. You were so shaken and rattled with fear that I just wanted to hold you close, shielding you from the pain.” I smile, remembering the first night in my childhood home. Luke had offered to stay because he sensed my unease, but I refused, sending him on his way…or so I thought. Every little sound I heard that night worked me up into a frenzied state and I called Luke begging him to come check my house. The noises that I heard was Luke trying to get comfortable on the porch swing as he watched over me and my kids. “You melted against me that night and I knew then you would heal me as much as I wanted to heal you. I wanted to anchor you and help you build your strength because you were so broken, but you fooled me. You embraced the wreckage and anchored me.”

“Oh, Luke. I love you so much!” I crash my lips against his just as the tears spring into my eyes. My one constant, the only man to ever love me so endlessly. A love that not only I can see, but feel deep within my bones.
