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“I can still remember the day she told my father she thought she was being followed home every day. This was before mobile phone cameras, but she eventually did manage to snap a photo and went to the police.

“But the police were busy at the time with a local gang and said they’d look into it later.”

Fraser pointed a chip at her. “But they never did.”

Holly shook her head. “No. The bloke even came to the door a few times and had seemed harmless. But one day my mum didn’t come home and we reported it to the police.” Holly took a deep breath and spit out the rest. “We heard nothing for five days and then they found her.”

Holly closed her eyes to keep back the tears. She’d only been thirteen and losing her mother had devastated her.

Fraser lightly touched her arm. “Tell me, lass. Speaking something helps to clear the demons, as my mum always says.”

Opening her eyes, she stared into Fraser’s blue-eyed gaze, which was full of encouragement.

After a deep inhalation, the words came out in a rush. “She’d been murdered. They eventually tied DNA evidence to the man who had been stalking her. He’d murdered two other nurses over the span of five years. He has a life sentence, but—”

Holly clenched her fingers and released. Fraser finished her sentence, “But it’s not nearly enough.”

“No. I want him to pay for what he did to my mother and those two nurses. I sometimes wonder if that makes me a bad person.”

Fraser took her chin between his thumb and forefinger. “You are the farthest thing from a bad person, Holly. You’re caring, open-minded, and determined to help others. We all have moments when we wish to carry out some revenge. But the difference is that you would never do it, not even if the opportunity presented itself.” He took one of her hands with his free one and squeezed. “You bring life into the world with your hands. I find it hard to believe you’d be able to end it with them.”

Holly merely looked at Fraser. She’d wanted them to eat together so she could get to know him better. But somehow, despite their short time together, Fraser already knew her fairly well. He was right—she couldn’t even kill a mouse, let alone another human being.

As she tried to figure out what to say, Fraser released her hand, picked up a piece of fried fish, and he positioned it just before her lips. “Eat something, lass. You’ll need the energy.”

No one had ever tried to feed her before. Opening her mouth, Fraser moved the fish between her lips and she bit down, never severing eye contact. The act was simple, yet somehow intimate.

Maybe a life with Fraser MacKenzie wouldn’t be so bad.

Once she swallowed her food, she asked, “When will I see you again?”

The corner of his mouth ticked up. “That anxious, eh, lass? I expected more of a fight to win you over.”

She pointed a finger at him. “I never said you won me over. You’ll know when that happens.”

He leaned forward. “Aye? And may I have a hint of how to tell?”

Holly ate the last chip and gathered the rubbish from their meal. “You, the master of wooing women, need a hint?”

Her dragonman growled. “Only with you, Holly. Only with you.”

“Good. I like to keep you guessing.” Standing up, she motioned with her head. “I need to get back.” Fraser’s pupils flashed to slits and back. She did a quick check, but they were still alone on the far side of the cafe. She whispered, “Tell your beast to cool it, unless you want to be arrested.?


Fraser stood and leaned toward her ear. “Then I need to know when I can see you next. I’m not sure I can sneak into the hospital again without being noticed, especially since I’m not here visiting anyone or seeing a doctor. And I need to see you again, Holly.” He brushed her cheek. “I need the chance to win you over for good.”

Searching his gaze, her desire to tease him further evaporated at the yearning in his eyes. For whatever reason, Fraser wanted her.

He may even love her.

No. She wasn’t about to jump to conclusions and have her heart broken.

She debated what to say. Yet as his pupils flashed again, she decided she’d better give him something or his flashing eyes might be spotted by someone walking by. As soon as people knew he was a dragon-shifter, they would take him away from her for good.

And at the thought of never seeing Fraser again, her heart squeezed. She’d dreaded it over the past few weeks, afraid he’d walk on eggshells about the miscarriage and treat her differently. Yet he’d teased her and even stolen her bloody food.

She wanted to keep Fraser MacKenzie.
