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“Aye, I know you do. Your preliminary background check came back clean. Provided the rest of your story checks out, you need to prove yourself and contribute to the clan before I can guarantee any long-term future here.”

She frowned. “But I’m not a dragon. How can I contribute to a dragon-shifter clan?”

Amusement tinged Finn’s reply. “Humans have their uses, too. Holly is human and she nearly runs the show when it comes to pregnancies and deliveries. I’m sure we can think of something.”

She bobbed her head. “And? What else? News of the attacks on Lochguard last year made it to the US and I imagine you don’t trust someone that easily, even if she’s a pregnant woman.”

Finn chuckled. “Clever lass. That will be helpful too.” The dragonman’s expression turned serious. “Trust takes time, as I’m sure you well know.” Gina nodded, not expecting anything less. “Good, because it might make this next part easier to accept.”

Dread pooled in her stomach. “What does the next part entail?”

“If you wish to stay, then you must accept Fergus MacKenzie as your Guardian.”

She frowned. “What? Like an adopted father?”

Finn snorted. “No, not in the human way. He will watch over and protect you. For the most part, you will become his responsibility.”

“Like a bodyguard? If it means I have to follow his every order, then I might take my chances back at Loch


Finn shook his head. “It’s not safe for you there. And trust me, if BroadBay’s leader is determined to have your child, then he’ll find a way. I’ve never met Roberts in person, but I’ve heard enough to appreciate the ocean between us.”

“How do you know about BroadBay? I never mentioned the American clan by name.”


Placing her hands over her stomach, Gina leaned back in her chair. If she were back in the US, she would merely agree to the clan leader’s words rather than risk a backlash. Yet as she studied the kind yet steely Scottish leader, Gina decided to roll the dice and speak her mind. “Assure me that I don’t have to obey every word he says, and I’ll agree to it for now.”

Finn raised an eyebrow. “For now?”

She smiled slowly. “Fergus may just have a change of heart after a few days with me.”

Chuckling, Finn put out a hand to shake and she took it. He added, “Give him hell, Gina MacDonald. But I warn you, Fergus is one of the most stubborn, patient males I know. He most likely won’t give up unless he’s dead.”

“Well, that makes it all the more fun. I always did like a challenge.”

Finn barked out a laugh. “I hope everything works out with you, lass, because I think my mate might like you.”

The word “mate” sobered her up. But she quickly hid it with a smile. “Then what’s next, Mr. Stewart?”

“Call me Finn, lass.” He motioned toward the door. “It’s time to meet with Fergus. He’ll take you to your new home and you two can settle in.”

Her heart thumped harder. “I don’t have to live with him, do I?”

“As much as Fergus would love it, no. You will be neighbors with two separate houses.”

She let out a breath. Fergus being her neighbor was still dangerous, but she could manage it with walls and space between them.


Fergus paced the length of the small room. Finn had sent him a text message asking him to wait in the conference room of the Protector’s headquarters. That had been twenty minutes ago.

His dragon huffed. I want to see Gina. Finn is taking too long.

Before he could reply, the door opened. His twin brother stood in the doorway with a cat carrier. “Hey, Fergus. I thought you could use some company.”

A soft meow came from the carrier. Fergus pointed at it. “Why the bloody hell are you carrying around a cat? I assume it’s Gina’s, but the poor beastie must be terrified.”
