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Fergus’s dragon chimed in. Ask her if she wants to stay with us.

If Fergus were rational, he would save this conversation for a later time. But between his dragon’s roaring and his own curiosity, he asked, “So you’ve thought about becoming my mate?”

Last week, the word had caused panic to flare in her eyes. But in the present, Gina’s gaze was only full of hope. “I’ve been warming up to the idea.”

He placed his hands possessively on her hips. “That’s not a good enough answer.”

She smiled and laid a hand on his cheek. The soft touch of her fingers eased his tension a fraction. “I thought you were supposed to be the patient MacKenzie?”

Leaning down, he nipped her bottom lip. “I am, except when it comes to you, lass. It’s as if I become a whole different person around you.”

She tilted her head. “Is that a bad thing?”

“Yes. No. Hell, it’s both.” Tightening his grip on her, he pulled her closer. “But I wouldn’t change a thing, Gina MacDonald. You’re everything I never knew I wanted.”

Her eyes watered and his beast snarled. Don’t make her cry.

Sometimes, tears are happy.

I still don’t like it.

Gina wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and murmured, “I wish I knew if Finn had found a way for me to stay. There’s so much I want to say.”

“Then say it, lass. Because even if I have to leave here to follow you, I will. And not just because I’m your Guardian or because you’re my true mate. Life would be lonely without you.”

Gina shook her head. “But you can’t leave your family and I would never ask you to do so.”

The corner of his mouth ticked up. “Oh, they’d find a way to sneak off and see me. My brother and I have secret hideouts all over the Highlands.”

Amusement twinkled in her eyes. “Full of treasure?”

Fergus chuckled. “Maybe one day, you’ll find out.”

As they stared at one another, Fergus willed the lass to speak her mind. But before she could say anything, Fraser rushed over to them and said, “I’m sorry to break up the lovey dovey time, but we have a problem.”

Fergus frowned. “Spit it out already, brother.”

Fraser answered, “Iris radioed back. She’s found several wings of dragon-shifters just beyond the Naver forest.” Fraser switched his gaze to Gina. “The ones in human form are speaking in an American accent. A few have mentioned Virginia.”

Gina’s body tensed under his fingers. “BroadBay.”

Fraser nodded. “Aye, we think so. What’s worse, Roderick McFarland is with the Yanks.”

Confusion flashed on Gina’s face and Fergus filled her in. “Roderick is one of the traitors who not only left the clan rather than accept Finn’s leadership, but he helped lead the attack on the human hospital and Holly a few months ago.”

Placing a hand over her belly, Gina looked between the twin brothers. “So, what’s going to happen?”

Fergus stroked her side. “We wait. It’s in the hands of Grant and the Protectors now.”

Gina answered, “But I don’t want anyone to die for me, Fergus. And that’s a possibility.”

He growled. “If you think I’m going to just allow you to waltz out of here and turn yourself over, you’re sadly mistaken.” Gina opened her mouth, but he cut her off by asking Fraser, “Can we patch in a line to Stonefire from here?”

Fraser shrugged. “Probably.”

Fergus narrowed his eyes. “Then do it. I want to talk to Bram Moore-Llewellyn.”

Fraser didn’t budge. “Are you sure that’s a good idea, brother? Finn doesn’t like it when we step on his toes and contacting the English clan leader will definitely be doing that. We should clear it through Grant in his absence.”
