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Faye raised her brows. “You being courteous is scaring me.”

“Don’t start with me, Faye. I haven’t slept more than two hours straight in over a week. I also can’t drink any coffee because Ara can’t have any, per the doctor’s orders, and I’m not about to taunt her in front of her face.”

Faye smiled. “You are a softie after all.”

Grant cut off Finn’s reply. “I have a question, Finn. When can I take Faye as my own and claim her?”

Leave it to Grant to just ask out of nowhere if he could sleep with Finn’s kin. Finn studied Grant a second and asked, “I’ve started to approve of you, McFarland, but it’s not quite yet the right time. I need you two to find out all that you can from the participants of the exhibition, not just Iris and Cat. But I assure you, as soon as we can breathe a little, you can have your frenzy. Provided Faye wants it of course.”

Faye answered for herself. “Of course I do. I’ve only been asking you every day.”

Finn shrugged. “My sleep-deprived brain doesn’t remember as much as it used to.”

“Bullshit, Finn. Just go home and help Arabella. Grant and I have work to do.”

Finn stood, but didn’t leave. “I won’t keep you waiting forever, Faye. I just need the clan to be safe first. I hope you know that.”

She softened her stance. “I know, but not having the male I want above all others is making me cranky.”

“Aye, I know how that feels. It took some wooing with Ara, if you remember,” Finn said. “Let me know what you find out.”

Finn left and Faye turned toward Grant. They were finally alone. “I was wondering if you were going to revert to your verbally challenged self with others in the room.”

He grunted and pulled her against his body. “I only speak when needed. With you, it’s needed more often.”

“Needed, aye?”

“Yes, although words can’t always convey what I feel.” He nuzzled her cheek and she leaned into his touch with a sigh. “I want you, Faye, and I’ll keep asking as many relatives as it takes until I can have you.”

She turned her head to meet his gaze again. “Let’s avoid asking my mother if you can have sex with me, aye? Or I might have to bring it up to yours.”

He slapped her arse. “My mum would turn pink from head to toe.”

“Exactly.” She kissed his jaw and savored the saltiness of his skin. The small tastes she had of Grant only made her more impatient to have him to herself, but she’d take what she could get. “Now, let’s get things in order for Cat and Iris’s return. Who knows, Iris may have even brought Max with her.”

Grant sighed. “Why would she?”

“Not for enjoyment, but as a witness. He’s the one who found the bomb in Glasgow.”

“That male has a knack for finding things, both tangible and intangible. He’s nothing but trouble.”

“But if he can help us solve our case, then we can finally kiss properly.”

“Aye, I like the sound of that.”

Faye took one last inhalation to commit Grant’s spicy scent to memory before she stepped away. If she wasn’t careful, she might become addicted and need to start wearing his shirts or jackets to keep him close.

Her beast banged against the mental maze, but it held. She was relying on the mazes more than she liked as of late, but she had to focus or people might die.

That thought sobered her up quickly.

She turned toward the door. “Good. Then let’s go to our office and get cracking.”

As she strode out of the room and down the hallway of the Protectors’ central command building, Faye could feel Grant’s eyes on her arse. If things finally turned her way, she’d have much more than his gaze there soon enough.

Chapter Twenty-Two

A few hours later, Grant followed Faye into one of the conference rooms. Cat and Iris were seated at the table. However, his gaze zeroed in on Max Holbrook fiddling with the flat-screen TV on the wall. “Don’t touch that,” he barked.
