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The Welsh leader, Rhydian, beat him to the explanation. "Yes, that's correct. But we also searched every inch and dismantled their hideout, confiscating everything we found. One of the most recent discoveries was a tiny microchip-looking device that can be injected into a person's body. Alistair was studying how one such device was constructed."

Finn jumped back in. "Aye, whilst studying it, the chemical from inside the device escaped and caused his current madness." Finn quickly explained Alistair's symptoms. Before any of the leaders could interrupt with questions, he continued, "And that brings me to why I asked for this video conference. I want to help Alistair, but it requires more than just my clan to do it. I'll cut to the chase to save us time—we need to reach out to as many of our dragon allies as we can and see if they have any suggestions on how to cure Alistair."

Lorcan, the Northern Irish clan leader and oldest of them all, grunted. "That's all well and good, but how do you plan to get around the various dragon oversight committees? I have a bloody hard enough time coordinating with clans in the Republic of Ireland, and we're on the same damn island. I bet it's nearly impossible to reach out to any clan you like and not get into trouble."

Finn put up a hand, to stop anyone else for speaking for a moment. "We all know the difficulties, aye. And it won't be easy. But we've all heard of the Dettifoss Assembly, right?"

Bram frowned. "As in the long-dead gathering of dragon-shifters that met every other year? What does that have to do with your clan member, Finn?"

Finn was closest to Bram out of all the clan leaders. And while most of the time he made it his mission to annoy the Stonefire leader, now wasn't the time to do so. Not when Alistair's life was at stake. "I think we should bring something similar back. It's impossible right at the moment, but we can do the best we can with reaching out to other clans on our own for the time being." Bram's frown meant he'd object, so Finn added quickly, "And before you protest, just know that one of the humans here knows the DDA Director and thinks she can convince her to help us with this. My best guess is that Director Abbott will overlook us contacting other dragon clans if we're caught somehow."

Lorcan grunted. "You say that, but if you don't have it in writing, I won't hold my breath."

The Welsh leader nodded. "I hate to admit it, but I agree. Abbott is better than recent directors, but she hasn't earned my trust yet."

Finn inwardly frowned. He was usually better at persuading others to his way of thinking.

His dragon said gently, Each day, you take on more and more. You need help.

Before he could tell his beast to be quiet—even if it was speaking the truth—Bram jumped in. "Forget the director for a minute. There's something important you're not telling us, Finn. Who is this mysterious person with connections to the DDA and why do they want to help Alistair so badly?"

He shrugged. There was little point in delaying the information. "I wasn't hiding it. I just hadn't gotten to that bit yet." Bram sighed, and Finn ignored it. "The human is Dr. Kiyana Barnes. She's an anthropologist that works for the DDA. She's also Alistair's true mate."

Lorcan whistled. "Please tell me he's already gone through the frenzy before being exposed to the mysterious drug?"

Finn shook his head. "I'm afraid not."

Skyhunter's other leader, Asher, spoke for the first time. "Let me guess—you don't even know where he is at the moment, do you?"

"No," Finn answered.

Everyone talked at once, even his dragon. You need to take better control of the meeting. At this rate, we'll never find a way to help Alistair.

Human halves complicate things. You know this.

His beast grunted. And it's annoying.

Finn clapped his hands until everyone fell silent. "No, it's not ideal. But this is a clan member and my friend we're talking about. And a female who barely knows him is doing everything she can to find a way to help him. We can at least do the same, given as we're supposed to all be allies."

/> The Skyhunter pair glanced at each other, and for a moment, he wished Arabella was with him. She was far better at sorting out alpha, stubborn dragonmen than he was.

But she wasn't, and he'd do his job. He looked at the Northern Irish leader. "Lorcan, I'll have my head doctor send over her analysis of the drug to yours. You can also see what Teagan and the other clans in Ireland may or may not know about a cure. And before you say it's tricky with the two DDAs, we all know your mate should be helpful enough to reach out to Glenlough."

Lorcan had recently mated the mother of Teagan O'Shea, Glenlough's clan leader, which meant there was a direct line of communication open between the dragon clans in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. Not even Lorcan could deny the connection.

Lorcan grunted. "I'll ask."

"Good." Finn moved to Rhydian. "Do the same with any connections you have with other dragon clans. I believe you know some in Australia."

Rhydian bobbed his head. "My grandfather's family is there. And since you were helping us out to begin with, Snowridge will do whatever it can to save Alistair."

At the beginning of their acquaintance, Finn had doubted the Welsh leader. However, with time, he'd learned more about him and thought one day he might be a closer ally. "Good." Finn glanced to the Skyhunter pair. "I know a lot has happened recently and you two haven't been leading Skyhunter for long, but I know you have ties to America, Honoria. I need you to reach out to them. And if there are any others you trust there, ask them to do the same with as many clans as possible."

The male Skyhunter leader frowned and spoke first. "We have a long list of things to do to get Skyhunter where it needs to be, Finn. And you bloody well know it, too."

"Aye, but do this, and it goes a long way toward me trusting you two. Besides, I've agreed to foster your sister, Asher. You can at least do this for me."

Asher's sister had a silent dragon. The backstory was long, but all that mattered was Arabella wanted to help the lass. Finn would've taken her in regardless, but it was useful to nudge the new leaders a wee bit, too.
