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Layla motioned toward Alistair with her hand. "His dragon is still stirring, aye? His pupils aren't changing completely, but they flicker every once in a while. I'm not sure I want to leave you alone with him until I'm certain his inner beast isn't a threat."

Alistair growled, and she looked back at his face as her dragonman said, "I would never put Kiyana in danger."

Layla replied, "Not intentionally. However, it's still a possibility. I'm just doing my job, as you bloody well know."

Afraid to release his hand lest she be forced to leave, Kiyana gripped Alistair's hand tighter. "Others can come in, but I want to stay. I've followed every order and done as you said for three long months, Layla. But I'm not going to abandon Alistair again unless he's a concrete threat. I think I've earned that much."

Alistair murmured, "Kiyana…"

She moved a little closer to Alistair's bed. "I know this will sound crazy, but I've missed you. Who else will discuss centuries-old events with me and not get bored?"

"There's Max," Layla pointed out.

Kiyana resisted a sigh at the overly enthusiastic archaeologist. "It's not so much a discussion with Max as me listening to his latest lecture. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate his excitement. However, not many seem to get a word in edgewise with him."

Layla snorted. "True."

Alistair spoke again. "Fetch whoever is waiting to see me, but return slowly. I want a minute or two alone with Kiyana. And before you protest, you can station a nurse outside the door, and Kiyana can put her hand near the call button. But give us a few minutes, aye?"

Layla looked between them before shrugging. "Fine, a few minutes, but no more. I'm not setting restrictions simply to be spiteful, you know. But I'm not about to risk a pregnant female simply because you think you're okay when it's still a bit uncertain, aye?"

Alistair grunted, and Kiyana decided she could better hurry the doctor along than Alistair's growly reply. "We appreciate all your help, Layla." She moved her hand near the call button. "See? I'll keep it here. Can we have a few minutes now?"

"Aye, but I'll be back in less than five minutes."

Layla left, and Kiyana stared into Alistair's eyes. There was so much she wanted to tell him, and yet, she didn't know where to start. So much had happened in the last three months.

And after all the fighting, and crying, and frustration, she should be relieved things had calmed down. However, everything going forward would be real, would shape her life, and she didn't want to mess up the second chance.

Before she could say anything, Alistair whispered, "Kiss me, Kiyana. It's been far too long, and I'm tired of my memory."

Seizing the chance to express herself without words, Kiyana didn't hesitate to lower her head and press her lips to Alistair's. The instant his warm skin touched hers, she sighed, and Alistair gently swiped his tongue between her lips.

The past three months of worry, frustration, and anger melted away as he licked and nibbled, each caress stoking a fire in her lower belly.

He may be thinner and weaker, but she still wanted him with every fiber of her being.

Lifting a hand to his head, she lightly scratched her nails against his scalp. His growl deepened, and his movements became more desperate, more demanding, simply more everything.

She wanted to lay next to him, wrap her leg around his waist, and feel his tall body pressed to hers.

However, Alistair broke the kiss but kept a light grip on her neck to keep her face close to his. His breath danced across her wet lips as he said, "If you keep kissing me like that, I'm not going to be able to follow the doctor's orders about not taking you right here on this hospital bed."

The corner of her lips ticked upward. "I haven't been a rule breaker for years, but you're tempting me to become one again, Alistair Boyd." His warm chuckle reverberated through her body, making her heart lighter. She couldn't help but blurt out, "It's good to hear you laugh."

He gently squeezed her neck. "I can't wait to hear yours again, too, lass."

They stared at one another, saying nothing and yet everything.

It was a strange situation, both awkward and familiar. But she was determined to kick awkwardness to the curb as soon as she could. "It should be easy to do since I'm going to be living with you as soon as you can leave the surgery."

He searched her gaze. "Are you sure, Kiyana? Some might wax on about no time passing, and we're like one soul or some such shite. But it'll take a wee bit

of time to get back to where we were, and I don't want to pressure you."

She traced his jaw. "I made the decision myself. And it's not entirely selfless, I promise you. My mum had strange cravings when she carried me, and we'll see if it's genetic. And if so, once you're in full health, I will be making all sorts of weird requests at odd hours."

"So I'm to be your delivery lad? As long as you tip me well, I won't mind." His voice turned husky. "And I prefer my tips to be given in the bedroom."
