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She grinned as she sat down, which only made his cock turn instantly hard. "Well, I hope you think I'm somewhat attractive, given that you're now mine for life."

"Good you recognize it's for life, love. Because I'm never giving you up."

He sat next to her and lifted her onto his lap. Alistair barely noticed the slight twinge in his leg from the extra weight. His entire body was on fire in a good way, and he wanted more than just the weight of his mate on his body. No, he wanted every inch of her skin pressed against his.

His dragon spoke up. We can slip away now and no one would be the wiser.

Maybe so, but I promised Kiyana we'd stay until she wanted to leave. This is a special night, one to treasure by making new memories, and it's not like the days of old when a couple couldn't sleep together until they were mated. We've had her before and we'll have her many more times again.

His beast grunted. I don't care. I want my turn to claim her since I couldn't do it in the ceremony.

Dragons never come out for the ceremonies. Besides you never said you wanted to participate. But no matter, you'll get to claim our mate soon enough.

His beast huffed and curled into a ball. Maybe before everything that had happened with his dragon over the last few months, he might've been somewhat irritated at the response. However, it only reinforced what he wanted more than anything—for his dragon to be fully recovered from the effects of the drugs.

Kiyana placed a hand on his cheek, garnering his full attention. "What did your dragon say?"

"What he usually bangs on about—wanting to have sex with you again."

She chuckled. "Will that ever tone down, his wanting?"

He raised his brows. "Why? Do you need a break? I can deny him for as long as you need, love."

She shook her head. "No, it's just usually marriages turn more familiar with time, and more than a few coworkers of mine have complained about lack of sex."

Placing his hand over hers on his face, he lightly squeezed her fingers. "Never. Once a dragon-shifter is committed, it stays that way. That's why it's so devastating when one leaves and the other is still devoted."

"Although that pain can heal with time, I think."

Alistair felt like an idiot. He hadn't been talking about Rachel recently, and yet she'd invaded their mating day. He would always love her, but she was gone.

And he didn't want any sadness on his mating day for either him or his mate.

Kiyana continued, "Don't worry, I'm not jealous. In the end, Rachel brought me to you, Alistair. If you hadn’t become a teacher after she died, you probably never would’ve been assigned to instruct the group of humans, and we never would’ve met properly. Even if I didn't know her, I'm sure she would approve that you're happy again."

His lips turned up slightly. "Aye, she wanted that for me. But I doubt anyone but you could've broken through my excuses, let alone seen how I hid behind a vow."

She bit her lip, and he knew something was on her mind. He prodded, "Tell me anything, Kiyana."

"Well, I was going to save it for later, but I should tell you now."

Alistair's heart skipped a beat. He had no idea what would make her hesitate. Surely there wasn't some other obstacle for them to overcome so soon after everything else.

He waited for Kiyana to explain. And when she did, he hung on every word. "Now that we're mated, I can finally share something I've wanted to tell you for days. It has to do with the DDA."

Alistair's apprehension faded as he searched her eyes. "Oh, aye? Do they want you to keep working for them?"

She nodded. "Yes. But it's for a special project, one I hope you can help with from time to time when you're not busy teaching."

Both man and dragon's curiosity piqued higher. "What is it?"

"Remember how I discovered some information about the Dettifoss Gathering?" He bobbed his head. "Well, Rosalind Abbott wants to try to make that a reality again within a few years. Me, Max, and a few others will be working on it in secret, trying to find a way to make it happen."

The goal was a bloody big one, but if anyone could try to make it come true, it was his mate. "If—no, when you make it happen, it will help dragon-shifters all over the planet."

And his mate would end up in the history books.

His dragon murmured, As she should.
