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“Not true. And I’ll prove it to you.”

Petra raised an eyebrow. “Is that a challenge?”

“Yes. But let’s make it more interesting, shall we? Whoever makes the greatest discovery gets to have their fantasy played out.”

She raised her brows. “And just what kind of fantasy are you talking about? One where I meet the actor of my dreams?” Petra replied, her voice tinged with humor.

Will pierced her with a glare. “The only man in your dreams should be me.”

She clicked her tongue. “Someone’s jealous.”

He gripped the handles of her wheelchair tighter. ?

?Bloody right I am. Only because of your leg have I not tried to get you naked and at my mercy.”

A flush crept up Petra’s cheeks. “Keep your voice down. Anyone can hear you.”

“So? If they don’t know by now that you’re my woman, then they aren’t very intelligent.”

He turned her chair into the room he used for his research. Turning on the light, he kicked the door closed and moved to crouch down in front of Petra. Tracing her lower lip with his forefinger, he murmured, “Maybe I should remind you of why you want me and only me.”

Heat flared in her eyes. “Maybe you should.”

He leaned closer. “I love that you don’t hesitate with me.”

Placing a hand on his cheek, she answered, “I’m just trying to make up for lost time.”

“Good answer,” he growled before taking her lips in a rough kiss.

Careful not to bump her leg, Will tilted his head and swept his tongue into her mouth. Her small moan vibrated against his tongue and shot straight to his cock.

All too soon, Petra pulled back. They both breathed heavily as they gazed into one another’s eyes. Will asked, “Why did you stop?”

“Because I have a competition to win.”

Laying his forehead against hers, he murmured, “Surely the results can wait a bleeding minute.”

“You have a choice—talk about my brother, as I know you want to do, or kiss me again.”

He sighed. “All I want to say about your brother is let him stand on his own two feet. If he can’t do that at his age, then he should choose a different line of work.”

Petra shook her head. “Did it ever occur to you that I was going to do that anyway?”

“He took advantage of you, love. I don’t want him to have the chance to do it again.”

“And I’m a big enough person to realize what I did wrong before.”

He frowned. “Just like that?”

Petra shrugged one shoulder. “Nearly dying has put a few things into perspective. I don’t intend to waste time trying to save everyone at my own expense again. I love my brother and would still charge into battle to save him if his life truly depended on it, but I’m no longer going to watch his every action. I need to live for myself as well.”

Will rubbed his hand up and down Petra’s upper thighs. “I hope there’s some room for me, too.”

She remained silent and Will gently clutched her thighs. If Petra was trying to tease him, he didn’t like it.

Smiling, Petra kissed him quickly. “Of course.”

Growling, he moved his hands to her waist. “Then why take so bloody long to say so?”
