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He grinned. “Almost.”

“Almost?” She shook her head. “What else could you want, Asher Carmichael?”

“For you to take off your left glove,” he murmured, dropping to his knees before her.

“It’s freezing,” she argued.

“Then you’d better hurry up.” He nodded at her gloved hand.

She tugged off the glove, more tears falling.

He lifted her hand and pressed it against his face. Her sweet scent filled his nostrils, soothing the ache deep inside and the hole in his heart. “Marry me, please, Renata. I want to wake up beside you and fall asleep in your arms. I want to laugh with you and cry with you—and be with you.”

“Yes,” she whispered. “Yes. I’ll marry you.” She tugged. “Now get up, please. Before you get pneumonia.”

He stood, kissing her softly. “Glad you said yes.” He pointed at the tree. “Since I already sort of committed us.”

Her blue eyes searched the trunk until she found the fresh carving. RB + AC in a heart.

“Your dad says this is the best way to guarantee a long and happy marriage.” He held her close. “That’s all I want for us.”

“This is real?” she whispered. “You mean this?”

“I mean it. I love you, Renata. And I’ll happily spend the rest of my life making sure you believe me.”

Chapter 15

“You didn’t have to do this.” Renata hugged Lola then Carl Stephens. Not that it surprised her in the least.

“We did, sweetie,” Lola argued. “I’m ashamed of myself. Ashamed, you hear me?”

“Well, no, it all turned out fine,” Carl finished. “More than fine.”

“And it means so much to Ash and me.” Renata eyed the wedding cake Lola and Carl had made for them. Considering she and Ash had pulled the ceremony together in two days, it was coming out quite nicely. The three-tier, lacy-iced confection was gorgeous. “It’s truly beautiful. And I know it will taste even better.” Hopefully, she’d be able to enjoy a piece. After all, it was her wedding day.

“Let’s hope so. It’s not every day we have something this special to celebrate.” Lola waved aside her arguments. “This is the last Boone wedding.”

“Come on, Lola, this girl’s gotta go get hitched,” Carl said, patting Renata’s cheek. “We’ll see you at Cutter’s for the party later on.”

To say their wedding reception would be nontraditional was an understatement. But once word had spread that they were getting married, the whole town had stepped in to help—day after Christmas or not. And since the wedding wasn’t going to be a big affair, the reception had to make up for it. Her brothers, their wives and who knew who else had been drafted into helping put together this last-minute reception party, had been up since before dawn getting ready. The Lodge was at capacity and, considering the number of people expected at the reception, was too small a venue anyway. Cutter’s was a pool hall, but they’d open up the dance hall so there’d be plenty of room. Added good news—she and Ash might be able to sneak away without staying until the wee hours of the morning.

But first, she had to get married.

“Renata?” Fisher cleared his throat. “You ready?”

She nodded, beyond excited to be marrying Ash Carmichael. She’d imagined, once or twice, what it would be like to be loved by him. But her imagination hadn’t come close. He loved with abundance.

“You look beautiful.” There were tears in her brother’s eyes, a rarity. “I know I punched him and all, but I like him well enough. But, you know, if he ever messes up...”

“I know.” She stood on tiptoe and kissed his cheek. “And I’m pretty sure Ash knows. But he won’t. Don’t worry.”

“I’m not.” He smiled a wobbly smile. “I want you to be happy. Always.”

“Then don’t you dare cry.” She wiped at his eye. “I’m the emotional one. Remember?”

“Yeah, yeah.” He sniffed.

Laughter bubbled up. At the end of the day, he’d always be her overprotective brother, willing to punch first and ask questions later. It helped to know that Ash would never do anything that would land him at the end of her brother’s fists. “Let’s go.”
