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I shake my head. “Fine.”

As soon as I step into the living room, I notice Kira tucked around the corner on the couch.

Goddamn it.

I shoot Carson a scowl. The motherfucker could have warned me that she was here, lying in wait. I would have avoided coming home at all costs. That’s when I remember that I didn’t take my phone on my five-mile run.

This girl is the last person I want to deal with. The plan was to hit the showers and delve straight into homework. I’m trying to nudge my GPA up as much as I can before graduation. With six semesters under my belt, I’ve got my work cut out for me.

I force myself into the living room. As soon as I’m close enough, Carson passes off the controller. I drop onto an empty couch cushion and focus on the screen. Maybe if I ignore her long enough, she’ll give up and leave me alone. After I kicked her ass out of my bed the other night, I’m hoping she finally got the hint that I’m not interested in what she’s offering up.

I almost snort, knowing that it’s an unlikely scenario.

Even though my attention is fastened to the television, I notice her rise from the corner of my eye. A second later, she settles next to me. When her slender hand brushes against my thigh, I know I’m in trouble. I also realize that I need to do something drastic, otherwise this will never end.

But what?

What the hell am I supposed to do?

This chick refuses to take no for an answer.

“Hi, Brayden.”

It’s tempting to ignore her. Although, it’s not in my nature to be a dick. But maybe that’s what I need to do. I’m running out of options, and desperate times call for desperate measures.

“Hey,” I say in a clipped tone. Hopefully, my whole I’m not interested in talking to you vibe is coming across loud and clear.

When I don’t keep the conversational ball rolling, she clears her throat and makes a second attempt. “I was wondering if we could talk.”

“I’m kind of in the middle of something,” I mumble.

Persistence is an attractive quality in the opposite sex, but not to this degree.

Hasn’t she ever heard that no means no?

“How about after?”

My lower jaw locks. “I’ve got to take a shower and hit the books. I don’t have time tonight.”

Her slender shoulders collapse as she rakes her teeth across her lower lip. A wounded look enters her eyes.


I just want to get out of here.

Hell, I’d leave the damn house if there were someplace else to go. Maybe I should gather up my books and hit the library for a while. Best case scenario, she’ll take off when I don’t return. Worse case, I’ll find her waiting naked in my bed again.

Where the hell is Carson?

Seriously, who the hell is he talking to on the phone? Who would call that guy?

He needs to get his ass back in here so I can leave.

The moment my blond teammate steps into the living room, I jerk to my feet and pass off the controller. I make it three steps before slender fingers lock around my bicep, halting me in my tracks.

“Please, Brayden?” Her tongue darts out to moisten her lips. “I just want to talk for a few minutes.”

Air escapes from my lungs in a slow hiss as I plow my hand through my hair. I’m so damn tempted to shake her off. Instead, I keep all of my frustration bottled up inside.

“Kira,” I say patiently, “we’ve been through this before and nothing has changed.”

Her blue eyes turn glassy as wetness fills them. The tears somehow manage to simultaneously piss me off and make me feel like a grade A asshole. I have a sister who is two years younger than I am and a sophomore at Western. I’d beat the piss out of any jerk who caused her a moment of heartache. That being said, I hope she would have enough self-respect not to throw herself at a guy who has made it perfectly clear that he’s not interested.

“Why don’t you want me? Aren’t I pretty enough for you? Smart enough? What is it? What do I have to do so that you’ll give me a chance?” Not only does desperation fill her eyes, it wafts around her like a stink. “Just tell me what I have to do. I’ve been in love with you since freshman year.”

Fucking hell.

How am I supposed to answer that?

“You don’t love me,” I mutter as heat stings my cheeks. I glance at the guys sitting around in the living room. Carson and Easton are smirking. Crosby is doing his damnedest to hold back his laughter. “You don’t even know me.” Not really. The guy she wants to be with is Brayden Kendricks, wide receiver for the Western Wildcats. The football player who will most likely get drafted by the NFL this spring.
