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My guess is that it’s because she refuses to give me the time of day. There’s definitely something to that old adage about wanting what you can’t have. And what I can’t have is Sydney. That girl wants nothing to do with me, which is precisely why I never miss an opportunity to mess with her.

Trust me, I’m more than aware that I’m not doing myself any favors. But still, I get perverse satisfaction in provoking her ire. All I have to do is open my mouth and she goes off the deep end. The girl has a real temper. I’ve seen it rear its head on more than one occasion. My guess is that she would be a real wildcat in the sack. Not that I’ll be finding out anytime soon.

Or, more than likely, ever.

As tempting as it is to flee our house for the next couple of hours, I have a test to study for. I might have every intention of taking my game to the next level by getting drafted to the NFL, but it’s still important I do well in school and leave with a degree in hand. Even the most talented players are only one career-ending injury away from being let go. I’m taking every precaution to make sure that my future goes off without a hitch. Even if that means doing something other than playing professional football.

So, ducking out of here isn’t really a choice. I drag a hand through my hair and consider my options before blowing out a steady breath. “All right, I’m going to need you to create a distraction so I can sneak upstairs without her noticing.”

A smirk curves Carson’s lips as he folds his arms across his chest and leans against the counter. “How am I supposed to do that? She’s sitting in the living room with the perfect view of the front door and staircase.”

Christ...this girl.

I shouldn’t have to sneak around my own damn house. “I don’t know,” I snap in frustration, “just think of something. I need about twenty seconds to get upstairs.”

It doesn’t escape me that I’m taking out my aggravation on someone who doesn’t deserve it, which isn’t like me, but I’m over this situation. I want this girl to leave me alone. If I honestly thought sitting down and having yet another conversation with her would put an end to this infatuation, I’d do it in a heartbeat. But I’ve done that several times and she refuses to move on. It doesn’t seem to matter that I’m not interested.

He shakes his head as if I’m the crazy one for going to such lengths to avoid her, and I’ll tell you what—I’m beginning to feel like it. “I’ll do my best, but I’m not making any promises.”

As soon as Carson exits the kitchen, I realize that we didn’t come up with a code word. I almost leap after him but stop myself at the last moment.

Damnit! How am I supposed to know that the coast is clear without a code word?

I seriously can’t believe this is what my life has come to. I’m skulking around my own house to avoid some chick.

But what else can I do?

Waste the next hour or so fighting off her unwanted advances?

No way. I don’t have time for that.

Grumbling under my breath, I tiptoe across the kitchen like it’s boobytrapped before arriving at the wide entryway that leads to the dining room. The only furniture in the space is a scarred table that has seen better days—more like better decades—and four chairs. Everyone is crammed together, chilling in the living room. The loud, rowdy babble of voices fills my ears.

Just as I work up the courage to peek around the corner, Carson materializes on the other side. We both startle, and my heart slams against my ribcage.

“Fuck, nearly gave me a heart attack.” I point to the living room. If he’s with me, then who the hell is occupying Kira? Even more frighteningly, he might be drawing her attention in this direction. That’s exactly what I don’t need. “What are you doing in here?”

“It’s not necessary,” he says with a shrug. “She’s gone.”

No way.

My brows shoot up at that unexpected bit of good news. “Really?” Well, hot damn! Looks like I’ve lucked out for once.

“Yeah. I did a total sweep of the first floor. She’s not in the living room, and I checked both bathrooms. They’re empty. She must have gotten bored and taken off.”

Huh. That was way easier than anticipated.

All of my muscles loosen with relief. Until now, I hadn’t realized how tense I’d become. “Thanks, man.” I slap Carson on the back. “I owe you one.”

“No worries.” He shoots me a grin. “I’ll think of some way for you to repay me.” Before I can respond, he swings around and strolls into the living room.
