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Having Tracy move into the same building complex has me excited to the point that Caleb gives me a bland look. “Stop smiling like that,” he says quietly. “You’re creeping me out.”

I flip him the finger and go back to the match that I’m watching.

For a change, Caleb is in my apartment. There are some renovations going on in his living room and he doesn’t want to be bothered. It’s the weekend and since there is no office and Kendall is pissed at him for something he probably did, he’s taken to sulking in my apartment.

He lets out a disgusted sound. “Don’t you have anything edible to eat?”

I look up to see him peering into my fridge and I wonder if he shows his office friends this side of him, the normal grumpy side. But then, I’m more family than friend and I’ve seen him at his worst and at his best. I’ve seen this man transform from somebody broken to somebody driven and ruthless. “Stop leeching off of me,” I complain. “Order us some burgers.”

“I’m in your house.” He gives me a deadpan stare.

I roll my eyes. “So? I’m not the billionaire. Go on, be a pal. Feed me.”

“Fuck off, you get enough money so you can afford to pay for the food, at least.” Caleb growls.

I grin. “You’re the boss.” Then something strikes me. “Wait. I think it’s Tracy’s day off. Why don’t I ask her to cook us something? She’s really good.”

Caleb gives me a doubtful look and then lets out a resigned sigh. “I’ll come w

ith you. Maybe your girlfriend has better taste than you.”

“She’s not my girlfriend and you just want to see Kendall.” I switch off the television and grab the keys to the apartment.

The girls are home.

It’s Kendall who opens the door and gives me a surprised look, then looks over my shoulder, warily. “Is ‘he’ with you?”

“Yes he is,” Caleb responds, not insulted in the least, and slips into the apartment from under my arm.

“It’s the weekend,” Kendall complains, trailing after him. “I’m not working.”

I ignore them as they bicker lightly and follow the scent of cooking food to the kitchen to see Tracy standing there in shorts and a tiny shirt. Her hair is up in a somewhat messy bun. My cock goes hard in an instant.

She blinks when she sees me. “Oh, hey. What are you doing here?”

Max is sitting at the counter, writing in a notebook and he grins at me, pleased to see me.

I sit down next to him, trying to compose myself as I ruffle his hair, replying, “Caleb was hungry, and wanted to mooch off of you. I told him it was rude but you know him.”

Tracy rolls her eyes. “Sure, that’s what happened.”

I grin at her. “Can you please feed us?”

She sighs, giving in. “Fine. I’ve got a lasagna in the fridge. I’ll just chop up some more salad.”

“You’re the best,” I tell her and it’s fascinating to see her blush.

As she gets to work, I glance down at what Max is doing. The kid is absorbed in some writing homework and l nudge him when he frowns. “Need some help?”

He looks up at me, wide-eyed. “Really?”

“He needs to learn how to write his name,” Tracy says while chopping some cucumbers. “He’s having some trouble with the letter A.”

I wink. “I’m an expert in writing. Look at this one. Now imagine if the letter o is a ball…”

I like kids.
