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“Told you.” Another wink before he got one more curl. This one came right out the same way, just as flawless. “Didn’t know my curl game was so strong?”

He was easily over two hundred pounds of muscled male behind me and was doing my hair. So fuck no, I didn’t know his curl game was strong.

“I guess I need to hire you,” I observed, his eyes teasing through the mirror and his hands heaven.

Especially when he massaged my scalp.

He did it to get the product in, his long digits wrapping in my hair, and I looked away from his eyes in the mirror.

“So your dad’s a dick or…”

“No.” And I didn’t want to talk about this. Not with him. I huffed. “He just did a dick thing.”

I considered it that when you married a girl more than half your age. Also, marrying said girl who was half your age that you cheated on your wife and family with.

LJ’s lip pulled into his mouth as he did my hair, a slight frown to his lips. “Still bummed about the divorce then?”

I turned looking at him.

He shrugged. “I may have looked into you.”

“Did you now?”

His look could have been guilty if he did such a thing. But Lance was nothing if not self assured. His shoulder lifted. “I was curious about you.”


A gravelly chuckle. “You handled me that first night at my house so I looked into you.”

“And what did you find out?”

“I found out your dad seriously screwed you and your mom over,” he said, going behind me when he grabbed my hair again. “And that said screwing over kind of made your mom and you the black sheep in your family.”

He was right about that. My own grandma had the nerve to be mad at my mom for letting her marriage fall apart. That was just how it was in my world, people kept their dirty laundry to themselves. They didn’t put it all out there for others to see.

I had no idea how I felt about LJ knowing so much about my family. About knowing so much about me.

“And your dad’s the district attorney,” he said, his expression a bit harsh when he said it. “Funny, he’s out there fighting crime and he can’t even take care of his own.”

“And what would you know about that?”

“More than you think.” His eyes narrowed. “There’s a reason my mom had to work four jobs, and I was right there working my own beside her. I know a little something about self-serving fathers.”

Silence behind me, steam rolling off his naked body. I hugged my arms as he continued to style my hair. I huffed. “What happened to yours?”

“Walked out on us.” No emotion there. The comb back in my hair. “Never needed him anyway and still don’t. I’m all my mom and my sisters ever needed.”

Clearly, he had a bone to pick with his own dad, but he sounded more over the fact than anything else. His hurt didn’t sound as fresh as mine felt.

But that didn’t make his any less severe.

I obviously didn’t know his story, nor did he have a right to know mine. But when I looked at him doing my hair, I couldn’t helping wanting to share more with him.

“My dad’s a good guy,” I said, because he was. LJ was right. He fought to rid the streets of crime every day, worked his whole life when he could be making much more money in the private sector as an attorney. Truth be told, my dad’s income mostly came from our family’s businesses. Not his job as district attorney. The job was something he chose to do, wanted to do, and I’d always seen him as such a superhero because of it. I dampened my lips. “He

fell in love with someone at the office.”

“Fell in love?”
