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“Just let me get a shirt out of my room real quick,” he started, widened the door, but the moment he had, my eyes twitched wide. There were three people already there on his bed, but the thing was, I couldn’t see where any of them started or began.

Grunting, a guy fucked a girl on her knees while he himself got impaled from behind by another guy. That guy had the other by his hair and not only had none of them stopped upon Niko opening the door, they grinned at him. The one fucking the guy jerked his chin at him, and shaking his head, Niko closed the door.

“Suppose that room’s taken then,” he said, unfazed by the orgy happening on his bed. Either that was very commonplace or he was already well aware of it. I supposed he had answered the door with his shirt open, and I idly wondered if he’d been a part of the orgy before coming downstairs.

None of that any of my business, I strode on as the demigod let go of his bedroom door and eased long strides down the hall. Every casual step displayed his ripped back muscles through his dress shirt and when he caught me looking, he winked at me.

“See something you like?” he teased, stopping in front of a door with his hand on the doorknob. “I mean, if your boyfriend doesn’t mind….”

“In your dreams.” My arms hugging tight across my chest, I got another one of his throaty chuckles as his head dropped back, and he let so much smoke into the hallway I thought the room he’d opened was on fire. As it turned out, the elegant array of scent was distinctly weed, and I nearly choked on it as he waved me in.

“We’ll borrow one of Jay’s shirts,” he said, leaving me at the door, and though I did follow him, I lost him in the cloud. I assumed he went for a closet or something.

The room was thick with cannabis, and hugging my body more, I waited for Niko inside only to find others already in the room. I supposed the smoke had to come from somewhere, two people on the couch rubbing on each other. They passed a joint between them, the source of the apparent smoke. The guy also had his shirt open while the girl rubbed on his chest, their high obviously making them very friendly.

When they weren’t smoking they were breathing kisses on each other’s throats, and I peered away, waiting for Niko while dulcet sounds of hip hop beats thumped gently into the room. No lyrics at all, the music weaved through the room like easy jazz, and I took in the display, this room extravagant just like every other one in the house so far.

Niko’s room had been pretty nice, but this one was about twice the size, a king bed with silk sheets and a fireplace over in the corner by the “friendly” couple. They barely looked at me as they rolled smoke through the room, and I was about to backtrack and wait for Niko outside when my arm was grabbed.

“About time,” rolled a deep voice. The owner tugged me, and I was in his hands, the fleece instantly dropping from my fingers.

Half naked, this guy’s bronzed frame glistened from his lounge pants up, the guy blond and husky in physique. He wore a chrome ring, a chunky one right below one of his thick knuckles. He was also all broad shoulders but narrow at the waist and tall to the point where his hands at my shoulders had me staring straight at his chest. His smile coy, he had a square-cut jaw with just a bit of blond stubble, his eyes blue and his blond hair trimmed short on the sides. In fact, one side was actually shorter than the other, like at one point he’d buzzed one of the sides and was growing it out. Now, the longer side sat just above his ear, the majority of his length curling over his eyes and rubbing my shoulders, he wet his lips at me. “Now, let me get a look at you.”

And look he did, my nipples incredibly hard and piercing through my drenched top. I started to cover them when he wrapped those lengthy digits around my arms.

“Nah, don’t do that,” hummed deep from within his wide chest. A breath and he tongued his mouth, his eyes flaring. “Don’t want to waste that.”

“Excuse me?”

Ignoring me, he let go, causing me to sway and inadvertently check out his ass as he walked away. This guy had a great ass and one only made better-looking due to the fact that he clearly wasn’t wearing anything on under his lounge pants. The waistband sat right below two prominent back dimples, a curve to his firm ass I was almost jealous of.

I wet my lips and immediately felt guilty for even looking, but what the guy said next instantly pulled me out of my rogue thoughts and caused me to stiffen.

He frowned once he turned around, probably because I hadn’t done anything after what he’d said. I couldn’t have heard him right, but then he came over to me. He touched my chin. “I said take off your clothes, love.”

What. The. Hell.

By then, Niko had returned, a shirt in his beefy hands, but stopped next to the blond staring over me. “What’s going on, bro?”

“Um, I’m thinking your girl is shy,” he said, tucking hands under his chiseled arms. It only made his chest look that much more defined, a smattering of blond hairs trailing across his muscled pecs. I peered my way back up to his eyes, but the blond noticed my more than wandering gaze. He grinned a little. “Or maybe I was wrong. What’s the problem then, beautiful? You going to work that ass for us tonight or what?”

My eyebrows had to have jumped the height of my forehead, and by then, the friendly couple had given the blond their weed. He smoked it, his perfect cheekbones hallowing before passing it to Niko, and Niko, though he smoked the gift given to him, was clearly at a loss for words.

“My girl, Jay?” he asked him, but then looked at me. “Are you my girl?”

Okay, so I wasn’t anyone’s girl, but for whatever reason glee took on a new form as Niko bumped his fist with the blond, Jay, then retreated over to the coffee table. Niko quickly moved it out the way before sinking himself down in a lounge chair near the friendly couple. He tipped his chin back, getting all settled in, and I about said something about that before hands came to my arms again.

“Now, just relax,” Blond, Jay, said, rubbing on me and fogging my brain like a hot car’s windows in the middle of a snowstorm. I didn’t know what it was about this guy’s touch, but for whatever reason, it knocked me stupid at a mere feel of his rough palms. He smiled his beautiful lips. “We just want a little show. We won’t touch you. Not unless you want that too.”

A curled finger beneath my chin and he was letting me go. He took a seat on the arm of Niko’s chair, but when I still didn’t do anything, Jay shook his head. “I’m paying you by the hour, lovely,” he said, then displayed the space in front of the couch. “Now, give my friends and me my money’s worth.” A look and he peered at Niko. “What’s with this stripper you hired?”

Holy shit.

“Stripper?” I asked, but then it all came together, them sitting back for a show, this room filled with so much weed I thought I’d choke where I stood. Then there was the smooth music and the touchy-feely couple. What the hell? I frowned. “I’m not a stripper.”

“Right.” Blond chuckled, instantly grating me. Especially when his friends joined in for a round. Taking the weed back from Niko, he pointed it toward me. “Now, please. If you would take off your clothes. I’m starting to lose my buzz.”

On fire now, I growled in his direction. “I said I’m not a stripper, asshole. You take off your clothes.”
