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“Really, Billie. This guy?” Sinclair grunted. “I fucking knew it. Knew it. You act all perfect. Get on me, but this whole time you’ve been fucking this guy—”

“Who I fuck is my business, and I had a right to be mad! I never cheated on you.”

“No, only kissed this son of a bitch while I was a floor away from you. And then, there’s that shit I walked in on in your office.” His chuckle was dry. “You’re just as bad as me.”

“Okay, you need to go.” I shoved at him, but despite looking completely a shell of who he was, I couldn’t budge him. He was too big, but LJ behind me got him moving toward the door.

Sinclair lifted a hand. “All right,” he said, placing the box of stuff he had at the door. “I’ll go, but not until you know what kind of a piece of shit you’re dealing with.”

“What are you talking about—”

“Go, man.” LJ shot a finger toward the door. “Before I make you go, and believe me, you don’t want that.”

“Oh no. We wouldn’t want that.” Sinclair rose palms in a mocking fashion. This set LJ’s eyes a blaze, but since I was still between the guys, he wasn’t getting any traction. Sinclair chuckled. “What? She doesn’t know your dark secrets? How yo

u set that shit up the other night?”

“Back the fuck off,” LJ barked, but Sinclair merely tossed his head back.

He placed a hand on his chest. “Of course, she doesn’t know, and I had no reason to tell her because I never thought she’d ever have anything to do with your criminal ass—”

“Sinclair. LJ. Stop!” I had my hands full of LJ at this point, pushing him off and away from Sinclair.

Sinclair pushed against my back. “Your boy told all, bro. He confessed after she walked in on us.”

I shook my head. “What are you talking about?”

“He set it up, Billie.” Sinclair raised a hand. “Everything from getting me to go to that initial party of his in the first place, and later, getting that guy to find me for a second hook-up.”

“A second hook-up?”

Sinclair sighed. “Yes, and I’m aware that’s on me. That’s where I met that guy you found me with. Met him at his party. We hooked up, but I wouldn’t even have gone to the party in the first place had your new boyfriend not coerced me to go.”

“How did he coerce you?”

“He sent word to my office.” He wrestled with his hair. “Said he wanted to make up for the noise and being a bother that other night. One of my clients happened to be there when I got the invite and wanted to go. LJ’s parties are one of the hot things to do, I guess.”

LJ smirked. “Thanks, bro.”

“That wasn’t a fucking compliment!” He raised his hands. “You got me to go to that party, then pushed so much pussy and drugs in front of my face it wasn’t even funny. I was completely wasted when I hooked up with that guy the first time.”

“So what was your excuse the second time?” This guy was a goddamn liar. I shook my head. “And how is LJ asking you to come to a party, then you hooking up with some random dude his fault? Either time?”

“Because he knew what would happen.” He shook his head at LJ. “Like I said, he coerced me, and the kicker was when you and I did get back together. He found that same guy I hooked up with at his party and called him to come hook up with me again! Had Niko do it. The guy admitted the whole damn thing after we were caught.”

I froze, chilled to the bone, and Sinclair took that in, approached.

He jerked a chin in LJ’s direction. “This was all a game to you, right? A sick game?”

LJ said nothing.

Sinclair wet his lips. “All just to get into my girl’s pants—”

LJ’s fist came out of nowhere, a swing and collide. He clocked Sinclair so hard his eyes crossed, and launching for him, Sinclair took his own swing.

A miss, one LJ dodged easily, and when he reared back again, I knew he’d take Sinclair’s lights out. I screamed, and LJ hesitated just long enough for me to get his hands.

“This asshole fucks around on you and starts throwing shit at me?” Eyes an electric blue, LJ struck the air with his hand. “Real classy, bro. Real fucking classy.”
