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“Ryder that was… that was fucking amazing.”

“Yeah,” I agreed, unable to suppress my smile. “Yeah it was pretty hot.” But it was also so much more. I just didn’t understand what it was.

“You’ve got a little, um…” he said, grinning as he wiped some spunk off my chin. Without a thought I wrapped my lips around his finger, moaning at the taste of him once again. “Hey, Ry?”


“You’re gonna have to move. I’m getting cramps in my legs.”

“Sorry.” I chuckled, reluctantly pulling my semi-erection out of him. “I’m gonna take a shower.”

“Sure,” was all he said. And so, climbing off the bed, I left the room without looking back at him. That feeling had returned, only this time it was so powerful I felt like I was about to get knocked right on my arse.


Chapter Five


One month later…

I WOKE UP to over twelve thousand Twitter followers this morning. How cool was that? In just one month! I was sure I was getting the hang of this now. I’d gotten naked selfies down to a fine art and I’d done three scenes, each one just getting better. My confidence had grown. I knew how things worked behind the scenes and I’d also got to know most of the guys, which helped a lot. Now all I needed was some decent money, but Ivan had been having some kind of trouble with the bank so our paychecks would be delayed a few weeks. It sucked, but I trusted Ivan, so I guessed I’d just have to wait.

“You set?”

I drained the last gulp of water from the bottle in my hand and turned to face Ryder who’d just emerged from his bedroom. Ivan had called a meeting this morning and we were due to leave any minute. After that Ryder was shooting a scene with Taylor and I said I’d stay back to help set it up.

“Sure,” I answered, tossing my empty bottle into the trash. “I’ll just grab my bag.”

“I’ll wait in the car.”

I nodded, but he was already gone.

Things had been what I can only describe as weird since Ryder and I slept together. We were still friends, but something had, I don’t know…shifted. It was small things really. Like how he always came out from the shower fully dressed, whereas a month ago he wouldn’t have given a shit if the Queen herself was sitting in his living room, he’d still waltz through to his room in all his naked glory. Or how we only seemed to talk about trivial stuff, like work or the latest Twitter war. Even the fact he didn’t put his feet up on my lap when we were sitting on the couch together.

I could’ve been reading too much into things. I could hardly say I knew him after so little time. But things still felt weird, regardless, and I couldn’t help wondering if I’d upset him somehow, or if he regretted confiding in me that night, or if he was frustrated that I was still living here. I’d reassured him that I would find my own place as soon as I got paid, but he just shrugged me off and said it didn’t matter. Or maybe, despite the fact we were porn stars, it was a simple case of the age-old adage – don’t fuck your friends because it never ends well.

Ryder’s horn sounded outside. I knew it was his because he was an impatient little shit. After grabbing my bag from my room, I hooked it over my body and headed out toward the elevators, making my way down to meet him.

The ride to the studio was pretty quiet. It didn’t surprise me because, like I said, that’s just how things had been rolling lately. Every so often I would glance over to him. The perfectly styled quiff in his dark hair was dancing from the breeze blowing through his window, his green eyes had a dark tinge to them as if he didn’t get enough sleep and his hands were gripped firmly on both sides of the wheel. I watched as the sugar skulls twisted and morphed as he flexed his fingers and I started to remember them being wrapped around my dick. My pants grew tight and I smiled at the memory. Then it quickly melted away when I remembered that night was the only explanation for the distance between us lately.

You’d never know what went on inside Back Door Studios from the exterior of the building. There were no signs, just a bare brick building of four floors with floor-to-ceiling windows in each room. Though I figured someone must know something today, because when we pulled up the building was surrounded by a mass of photographers with their cameras clicking and flashing when we got out of the car.

When we walked inside we bumped into Gio who told us Ivan was waiting for us all on the second floor. Ryder and I jogged up the stairs, finding everyone in what Ivan referred to as his office, but it was really just a large room with a desk and sofa that you couldn’t sit on because of the amount of boxes and junk cluttering the space.
