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It was two days later before I was allowed to visit Ryder. I’d not even been allowed to talk on the phone with him. I did however keep in close contact with Elle, and Ivan - who was staying on a different floor of the hotel. Sawyer and Jake were due to land some time this afternoon. Elle told me which police station was holding Ryder and after several phone calls they finally agreed to let me see him. I was given an appointment time of ten-thirty AM, and I was sitting in the reception area by nine-fifty.

“Mr. George?”

“Yes,” I answered, standing from the plastic chair without even checking who’d said my name.

“This way, please.”

I followed the man, dressed in a dark grey suit, down the long corridor and around a corner. He proffered his hand toward a dark blue door and I stepped forward, thanking him as I stepped past. “An officer will be in there with you at all times,” he informed me. I nodded, too anxious to reply with words, and then pushed open the blue door.

“Ryder,” I breathed, relief flooding my veins just from the sight of him. He stood up from behind the table he was sitting at, and I ran over to him, holding out my arms.

“No touching,” the officer standing in the corner of the room barked.

Huffing in disappointment, I backed away. We didn’t take our eyes off each other as we both lowered ourselves into opposing chairs. He looked so tired, his face pale and his green eyes dull.

“It’s so fucking good to see you,” Ryder said, the rims of his eyes red from unshed tears. His arm reached out across the table to touch me but he quickly retreated it, presumably remembering the rules. His knuckles were swollen with angry cuts and I wondered what the hell had happened to him. “That gear wasn’t mine,” he added before I had a chance to reply. “I swear to you, Mason. I’ve only ever been honest with you. You know me better than anybody. Look into my eyes,” he ordered, tapping the top of his cheekbone with a pointed finger. “Look at them and see that I’m telling the truth. I don’t know what the fuck is going on here, but I haven’t done anything.”

“I believe you,” I said, because I genuinely did. Just like he said, all it took was one look into his eyes. I’d always felt this sense of being able to see behind them, and this was no different. I saw pain, I saw fear, but I didn’t see guilt or regret.

“Someone planted it. They must have. I know it sounds crazy, like something you see in the movies, but there’s no other explanation. After leaving my parents’ I went to a pub.” Until that moment I’d almost forgotten about his parents. I still didn’t know what happened during their meeting but right now there were bigger issues that needed concentrating on. “There was this guy. He recognized me as Kyle. He came onto me a little, ran his hand down my side. Maybe he did it. I keep asking them to look into it, to find him and question him, but they’re not interested. I’ve been charged, Mase.”

“Holy shit,” I muttered, shaking my head.

“They’re not just talking possession either. They’re trying to get me for supplying too. I’ve never supplied anyone in my damn life! They’re transferring me this afternoon.”

“Transferring you? Transferring you where?”

“Prison. I’ve been refused bail so they’re putting me on remand. I’m fucking scared, Mason.”

“Listen to me,” I said, trying to force confidence into my voice. “We will fix this. Sawyer and Jake will be here this afternoon and you’ve got the best lawyer money can buy. Stay strong for me, Ry. This will be over soon, I promise.”

“You don’t have the power to promise me that, tiger,” he said dolefully. “But I love you for saying it anyway.”

“Time’s up, guys,” the officer who’d been watching us like a hawk the whole time interrupted.

“Don’t give up, Ryder, because I sure as hell won’t.”

“Can you leave your mobile number with reception? I don’t know it and I get another phone call when I reach the prison. I’ll call you tonight.”

“Sure,” I said, nodding solemnly. I wanted to touch him so badly. Stoke his hair, hold him, soothe him. “I love you, Ryder.”

Ryder simply nodded, drawing his bottom lip into his mouth and biting down on it. I could tell by the prominent gulp he took he was staying silent in an effort to prevent himself from crying.

“Come on,” the annoying as shit officer reminded, now hovering impatiently by my side. “Time to go.”

“Call you later,” Ryder said, his voice trembling.

“Stay strong,” I mouthed, forcing a smile even though I was dying inside. Blinking my tears away before they had chance to fall, I turned toward the door and left, leaving a piece of myself back inside that room.
