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After you. It‘s the room right at the end.‘

She was shaking as she walked along the thickly carpeted corridor with its endless rows of doors. His hand was perfectly steady as he slid the key card through the reader.

The room she walked into was ridiculously grand, decorated in the same ostentatiously opulent Art Nouveau style as the hallway downstairs. Its antique furniture gleamed in the light of the lamps that stood on every surface, and the warm air was heavy with the slightly sickly scent of lilies and freesias from the huge arrangement on the table by the door.

Against such polished opulence Kate felt more faded and tattered than ever.

So…‘ she whispered, touching the fleshy petals of a lily and keeping her eyes fixed on its freckled throat—anything to avoid looking at Cristiano, or at the huge and decadent bed behind him.   Let‘s get this over with. What do you want to know?‘

Not yet.‘

He advanced towards her. His face was unsmiling and inscrutable, his eyes narrowed as he took hold of her wrist.

Kate made a sound that was somewhere between a gasp and a whimper as ten thousand volts of electricity shot through her already shredded nerves. A torrent of desire instantly gushed down inside her, followed by an acid wave of shame.

Cristiano, please,‘ she croaked, pulling her hand away and shrinking from him.   I can‘t…I don‘t want to…I mean—please…I thought you just wanted to talk.‘

He could shatter her brittle defences into splinters of matchwood with just one kiss. She knew that. And she hated herself for it.

He jerked away from her, his eyes blazing with a cold fury.   I do. But you‘re not in any fit state to discuss anything at the moment. We can talk later.‘ Stepping past her, he pushed open a door to the right, his movements taut with restrained aggression. Scented steam curled around her, and she found herself looking into a beautiful marble-floored bathroom. In the centre stood a vast Victorian bath, steam rising gently from its surface.

Irrational tears stung Kate‘s eyes as she realised how badly she‘d misread the situation. He had done the last thing she‘d expected, and the thing she most wanted and needed at that particular moment. She swallowed painfully.

But I only have an hour.‘

Today, maybe. But there‘s always tomorrow, the next day, next week. I can wait.‘

Shutting the door behind her a second later, she leaned against it and closed her eyes, waiting for the frantic rhythm of her pulse to slow. She couldn‘t help but wonder whether what he said was meant as a reassurance or a threat.

Cristiano poured himself some coffee from the silver pot brought by Room Service and looked down onto the street below. A selection of newspapers lay neatly folded and untouched on the edge of the linen-draped tray, and behind him the bathroom door remained firmly shut. As it had been for—he checked his watch—just over half an hour now.

One fingertip drummed an impatient rhythm on the rim of his coffee cup.

She‘d been so tired—what if she‘d fallen asleep in the bath?

An image rose up in his mind of her naked body, glistening with the scented oil he‘d poured into the bath, sliding beneath the water, her bruised eyes closed.

Impatiently he dismissed it as nonsense, but it was replaced by another image—this time of her in the hot tub in the chalet, her skin glowing in the fiery sunset, droplets of water running down her throat and onto her breasts as she tipped her head back to drink champagne…

Instant arousal hardened his body.

He wanted her. He wanted her as much now as he had in Courchevel, and the fact that she was the mother of his child only seemed to have added a kind of fierce intensity to his hunger. A hunger which she obviously no longer shared. His teeth came together in a taut grimace as he remembered the way she had shrunk away from him, flinching if he inadvertently touched her, looking at him as if he was some kind of dangerous criminal.

She was an entirely different woman from the one who‘d sat on the bed dressed in his shirt and talked to him in her soft, musical voice. The one who‘d cooked dinner and then left it to go cold while she abandoned herself to passion, arching her back and crying out as she came, so that her voice echoed off the mountains.

The bathroom door opened.

Cristiano took a gulp of scorching coffee and set the cup down, using all his powers of mental self-discipline to refocus his thoughts and gain control of his body as he turned round to greet her.

Come and have some breakfast.‘

Somehow he managed to keep his cool smile in place. The huge hotel bathrobe seemed to swamp her. With her newly washed hair slicked back from her forehead and her face scrubbed clean she looked incredibly fragile.

I haven‘t got much time.‘

Cristiano poured a second cup of coffee and pushed it across the polished surface of the table.   You have exactly twenty-three minutes. I won‘t keep you any longer than that.‘

He couldn‘t quite keep the edge of bitterness from his tone, and as she picked up the cup and looked at him over its rim he saw anguish flare in her eyes.

How did you find out?‘ she said in a low voice, picking up a croissant.

You left the bag that you had at the party in the chalet. There was a letter inside.‘

Stopping in the act of spearing a curl of butter from the silver dish, she looked sharply up at him.   You had no right to—‘

What?‘ Frustration made him cruel.   Read it? It was addressed to me, so I don‘t think that‘s technically true. The question is, why didn‘t you give it to me?

Or even better—‘ he gave her a twisted smile   —tell me what it said to my face?‘

Around the handle of her knife, her knuckles were white. For the barest moment her dark lashes swooped down, shuttering off her blue gaze for a second before she looked up at him again.

I was going to. I wanted to. That‘s why I came to Monte Carlo—to the party. But you didn‘t even recognise me.‘

His jaw was so tense he had to force the words out through gritted teeth.

That was hardly personal.‘

I know,‘ she said softly, spreading butter on the croissant.   But by the time I found that out I‘d already realised that you were different.‘

How do you mean different?‘

Her skin had been slightly flushed from the bath, but now the colour deepened, concentrating itself into two patches on the apples of her cheeks. Her eyes met his, their clear blue depths shadowed.

Harder. Colder. More ruthless.‘

Cristiano leaned back in his chair, dragging his gaze away from her face and fixing it on the office block on the other side of the street.

You flatter me,‘ he drawled.   The truth is I‘ve always been like that.‘

For a long moment she didn‘t say anything, though out of the corner of his eye he saw her shake her head, slowly and deliberately.

Not really.‘ There was a note of sadness in her voice.   Not underneath.‘

Adrenaline leapt through his system, making his vision darken for a second as his head filled with a thousand stinging responses to that utterly misguided statement. Gesu, if only she knew what he was really like underneath she wouldn‘t want to be his bowling partner, never mind the mother of his child.

If you thought that, why did it take you so long to get in touch?‘ he demanded scathingly.

I had tried before. When I was a few months pregnant I came to Monaco, thinking I‘d be able to see you and tell you.‘ The croissant still lay untouched on her plate, and she was holding the knife in her hand, turning it over and over.

Twisting it, he thought with a flash of bleak humour.   Stupid, wasn‘t I? For two days I stood outside the hospital with all your other fans, waiting to catch a glimpse of your PA or your team boss on their way in or out. I even humiliated myself completely by giving my name to a security guard in the hope that you‘d left instructions for me to be allowed in. The man almost laughed in my face.‘

I‘m sorry.‘

I left a letter at the hospital before I went home, and I wrote again when Alexander was born, and sent it straight to your house.‘

My PA handles all my post,‘ he said flatly, getting to his feet. Time was running out, and he knew that he had to keep his promise and take her back to the hospital soon. Running a restless hand through his hair, he tried to keep the impatience from his tone.   Why didn‘t you tell me when we were at the chalet?‘

She stood up too, raising her chin and saying defiantly,   Because I realised very early on that it was useless. You don‘t want a family—you said that yourself.

And although I knew that was true when I met you, I hoped I might have been able to change your mind.‘

To change me,‘ he said bitterly.   All the time we were together you were testing me, privately making up your mind whether I was good enough to be allowed into my son‘s life.‘

The simple truth of that hit him with all the force of an express train, knocking the breath from his lungs. She had judged him and found him lacking.
