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of Biafrans, 195, 199, 209–10, 226, 231

as weapon of war. See Genocide

Stewart, Michael, 214

Stone, R. H., 25

Story of an African Farm (Schreiner), 53

Storytelling, 8–9

African epics, 53

as beneficent fiction, 57

Chinua’s early exposure to, 8–9

Sunset at Dawn: A Novel about Biafra (Ike), 156–57

Swados, Harvey, 105

Swamp Dweller, The (Soyinka), 109

Tambo, Oliver, 258

Thant, U, 211–12

Thelwell, Michael, 38

Things Fall Apart

appeal to readers, 39

publishing of, 38

reception/reviews, 38–39

typing of manuscript, near fiasco, 35–37

writing of, 35–39, 61

Thiong’o Ngúgí wa, 113

Thomas, Dylan, 113

Thurmond, Strom, 221–22

Tiffin, Helen, 38

Tigrigna writings, 53

Tiv people, 47

Trial of Christopher Okigbo (Mazrui), 56

Trials of Brother Jero, The (Soyinka), 109
