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Instinctively, Laura glanced up at Xavier 'Are you nervous'?' she ventured

Usually he would have deflected her observation with a cold indignation that she should dare suggest that Xavier de Maistre should be nervous of anything! But tonight he did not Maybe it was the scent of sandalwood on the air, or the crescent moon in the sky, but tonight he did not feel like the Xavier of old

'Not at all,'he murmured, as they passed tall marble pillars and intricate fretwork lamps which hung down from a jewelled ceiling 'I feel a little as if I am surrendering to the inevitable — but to something which is nothing to do with me '

1 don't think l understand '

'None of this matters,' he said slowly, as if he was making sense of it to himself as well as to her If — which I question — the Sheikh does happen to be my father, then it is merely an accident of birth Nature's random lottery. It is not part of my life It never has been and it never will be, nor can be ' 'Are you sure?'

But her question went unanswered, for by now they were approaching a vast set of ornately carved double doors which were thrown open upon first sight of them

Inside, he could see torches of fire set out at intervals around a vast room with an ornate table at its centre, on which glittered precious crystal and silver with tall, ivory candles amid fruit and flowers 'Mori dieu,' he murmured 'Look at this'

Xavier glanced down at Laura but she was not looking at the lavishly set banqueting hall Instead her face was turned to up his in question, the green eyes clear but curious — as soothing as a smooth green lake — and he found himself wanting to dive in and lose himself

'Did your mother ever talk about your father?' she asked suddenly

Had the enchantment of an Eastern night worked some of its magic on him? Was that why he didn't shoot her down in flames for her impertinance? 'You have no right to ask me something like that, Laura '

'Don't I?' she retorted softly 'Considering we're sharing living space, I'd say that gives me a few rights '

She was tenacious, he would say that for her — and brave too, to pursue a subject which he found uncomfortable And if she had the courage to ask him, then surely he had the courage to answer? Yet it was strange to give voice to thoughts he had always repressed — partly because there had never been anyone in whom to confide before But Laura knew most of the story — so why not answer her?

'My mother said next to nothing about my father,' Xavier answered, his black eyes as hard and impenetrable as jet 'His identity was the secret she carried closest to her heart All I knew was that he was rich and powerful and potentially acquisitive But he had no part in our lives, not even in anecdotes ' He clicked his fingers, like a sorcer

er demonstrating someone disappearing in a puff of smoke It was as though he was dead to her — as though he never existed '

As though he never existed.

It was a damning and terrible testimony passed down from mother to child, and neither of them spoke for a moment — as if his stark words had robbed them both of the power of speech.

'Maybe you'll hate him,' said Laura suddenly And then what? Had Malik — or Xavier — or even the Sheikh himself — thought about the possible consequences of that happening.

The scent of jasmme wafted through the air as they walked towards the entrance to the hall 'Maybe I will' agreed Xavier in an odd kind of voice.


'You will perhaps eat a little more dessert?' asked Malik softly.

Laura shook her head as an ornate golden dish, gleaming black and scarlet with grapes and pomegranates, was presented to her by one of the many silent servers at the meal.

She sat back in her chair This was the only official Kharastan function she had attended, yet the evening was proving far less of an ordeal than she might have imagined, given that she was seated next to the flinty-faced Malik, with Xavier on the opposite side of the table.

'Thank you, but, no — I couldn't eat another thing '

'You enjoyed it? I think perhaps it was a little plain for your sophisticated Western palate '

'Are you kidding?' asked Laura 'A night out where I live usually involves a trip to the cinema followed by a curry But this was different — and I loved everything about it The dancers were incredible Obviously I couldn't understand a word of the poetry, but it had such a wonderful rhythm that it didn't seem to matter — and the music which accompanied it was beautiful'

'Yes,' said Malik, looking pleased 'All good poetry transcends language And the flute you so admired — the sound it produces sounds exactly like the wind blowing across the desert, does it not? Ah, I see you frowning. Have you ever been in the desert, Miss Cottmgharn?'

'No, I haven't,' said Laura, her eyes drifting across and down the table, to where Xavier was sitting talking to a beautiful Kharastani woman garbed in lavishly embroidered robes, with filigree earrings of sapphire and gold hanging from her ears Did he find the woman attractive? she found herself wondering jealously

He chose just that moment to look up — or had he sensed her staring at him? His lips curved into a mocking half-smile and his eyes flashed with promise as they lazily ran over her face Laura felt her throat tighten She folded her fingers in the soft jade silk at her lap, aware that they were trembling and wondering how the hell she was going to cope later When they were alone

Malik's eyes followed her gaze 'The guests here tonight are old and trusted confidantes of the royal household, and Fallalah is married to one of the Sheikh's many godsons,'he said obliquely as small teacups were placed before them 'Just in case her chatter with the Frenchman should give you any cause for concern'

Laura blinked as she dragged her gaze away from Xavier 'Concern?' she said, clearing her throat 'Why should there be?
