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Back in her room, she washed and undressed by the light of an ornate lamp which threw delicate shadows onto the silken rugs Then she took out all the pins constraining her thick hair and, once it had fallen free, pulled on a soft silk nightgown

But Laura could not sleep, even though the low divan with its crisp linen sheets was cool and inviting She kept thinking about Xavier and wondering what was happening with him and Zahir Eventually she admitted defeat, getting up to open the shutters of her window which looked out onto the Palace gardens — and the view she beheld was simply breathtaking.

Washed silver-white by moonlight, a wide path led down to a lake which was lined with perfectly trimmed shrubs From here she could make out the scent of unknown flowers and feel the faint breeze which shimmered the leaves and her hair This could have been Versailles or Hampton Court — or any of the famous palace gardens which had been designed on a lavish scale Only the dark, gliding shape of the occasional bird of prey overhead reminded Laura that — although man could control his environment to some extent — this was a much wilder land than the one she was used to.

Minutes ticked by as she sat there, and eventually she heard the sound of an outer door being opened, and then closed again Laura held her breath as if she was waiting — but waiting for what? To see if Xavier would knock, perhaps?

But there was no knock She heard careful movements of shutters being pushed open, as if someone was trying very hard not to make a noise, and then nothing but silence — and yet more silence

Xavier had clearly gone to bed, and she ought to think about doing the same — but her throat was parched dry by the air-conditioning She would slip next door and fetch herself a cool drink — maybe that would help

Pulling on a silk-satin robe which matched the negligee beneath, and knotting it tightly at the waist, Laura walked through into the sitting room At first she didn't notice the dark figure silhouetted against the spangled sky, silent and unmovmg as a statue — at least not until it moved, like a character on stage coming to life Laura gave a little cry of alarm

Xavier turned round, but his face was so shadowed that it was impossible to read what was there But even if the sun had been overhead would Laura have known what was going on his mind'? Or would his features be as tightly shuttered as they had been when he had walked out of the lavish banqueting hall with Malik earlier?

The sight of a half-naked woman following straight on from his meeting with the Sheikh was one stimulation too many, and the reality of her luscious breasts pushing against the silk of her robe set Xavier's pulse hammering and his already confused thoughts into overdrive.

'What the hell are you doing in here?' he demanded,

'I couldn't sleep'

He stepped away from the windows into the room, and the light from the lamp showed a cold, hard look in his eyes

'Well, try,' he instructed harshly 'Because you certainly won't manage it standing up, looking at me' Looking like that Like the answer to every man's aching dream 'What are you doing here?' he snapped 'After all the damned fuss you made earlier about sharing did you then decide you would like to tantalise me by drifting in here during the dead of night, dressed in next to nothing?'

It's not next to nothing and I didn't know you were still awake' she retorted

'I wanted a drink of water, that's all'

'So get one' he bit back.

This was a different Xavier Laura could see the sharp tension which was tightening his rugged features — even if she hadn't heard it distorting his voice The skin seemed to be stretched tightly over his face, and she could see a muscle working frantically in his cheek All that pressure building up inside him — wouldn't he explode if he didn't let it out?

Stupidly, Laura found herself wanting to stroke the tangled softness of his black hair as his tactiturn attitude made her heart soften To hear him lashing out defensively like that surely meant that on some level he had been affected by what he had heard tonight Because — for all his wealth and his influence and the women who adored him — Laura suddenly recognised that tonight the powerful playboy was completely alone in the world

And why should you care?

'Would you like a drink?' she questioned, ignoring the mocking question in her head and telling herself it was only because no one could fail to be affected by the bleak expression in his eyes

'Not water, and no more of those damned melon cocktails I had to endure during dinner I could do with a real drink, if you must know' His eyes narrowed as he watched her move like a dream across the room towards a polished cabinet made of walnut and apricot wood 'What are you doing?'

'Getting you a drink'

'I just told you — I don't want a soft drink'

'That's not what I meant — there's some alcohol here Malik told me ' Laura pulled open the door of the cabinet to reveal an assortment of bottles and different sizes of glass 1 feel a little bit like the fairy godmother waving her wand,' she said Surely you mean Cinderella'? mocked the voice in her head She looked up at him 'What would you like? Wine'? Beer? Champagne?'

'Not champagne,' he said flatly

So we're not celebrating a paternal reunion, thought Laura She pulled out a bottle of Kharastani wine and held it up 'Shall we try this?'

'Why not?' He took the bottle from her without a word and poured the almost black liquid into two crystal glasses, glad to have the distraction of action 'God knows what we're drinking,' he observed wryly Kharastani wines aren't exactly a must-have for every good cellar'

Laura accepted a glass from him and sipped it It was thick, sweet and quite strong — and maybe that's just what he needs, she thought Maybe just what/need 'Gosh! That's strong '

'You like it?'

'I can taste liquor and something sweet' Laura stared at him 'But we've said everything there is to say about the wine — are you going to tell me what the Sheikh said to you'?' Whether he really is who he says he is and whether you have accepted that?
