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“All the same, I’d be asking myself a number of questions. Like who’s next? Have I done anything to upset anyone? Do you know what I mean?”

“I know exactly what you mean. If you’re looking for me to do your job by providing you with suspects, then I’m afraid you’re wasting your time, gentlemen. I pay my taxes, which pays your wages, so I suggest you look a little harder somewhere else.” Summers stood up. “Now, if you’ve quite finished…”

“We haven’t,” Gardener said, sternly. On the outside, Summers was cool, but underneath, he was concerned. Gardener wanted to know why. “Two people who work for you are dead. And I’d like to know a damned sight more than you’ve given us. Who else do you employ in the same line of work?”

“Who is your superior, Mr Gardener?”

“Detective Chief Inspector Briggs, why do you ask?”

“Because I don’t like your attitude.”

“Feel free to complain any time you like, Mr Summers. However, I’m conducting a serious investigation, which I intend to solve. Everything I’m doing is within the law. Until I’ve finished, you will help with that investigation. Now, Bernard Thornwell and Herbert Plum. Are you aware of any of their associates? Do you have anyone else on your books in the same line of work?”

Summers sat back down, finally taking a drag on his cigar. “No.”

“So, you run an entertainment agency which seems to specialize in providing amusement for the wee children, yet you only have two clowns who double up as Father Christmas. Sort of leaves you in a spot of trouble, wouldn’t you say?” Reilly fixed his glare on Summers as he spoke.

“Not at all, Officer Reilly. If I were to rely solely on clowns and Christmas for my income, I’d hardly be living in such splendour, would I? Running the entertainment agency is only part of my business, and even then, I only used those two as a favour to them. Most of my business is concerned with acts on the cabaret circuit and theatres. I also provide look-alikes for a casting agency. Besides the travel films.”

“Why were you doing favours for Plum and Thornwell?” asked Gardener.

“I’ve known the two gentlemen a number of years. They approached me for work and there was a time when I kept them both busy. But times change, Mr Gardener. Children no longer want parties with clowns. Nowadays it’s off to McHerbert’s and a computer game when you get home.”

When Summers failed to elaborate, Gardener pushed. “You still haven’t explained the favour.”

Summers drew on the cigar, blowing smoke up toward the ceiling. “They were hardly what you’d call flush. Since I’d known and seen them both through the good times, I thought, as a favour, I could help them through the bad.”

“Well, they’ve hit rock bottom now, have they not?” said Reilly. “So, you don’t know any of their associates?”

“As I said, we didn’t socialize.”

Gardener stood and paced the room with his hands in his pockets. “Judging by what you’ve said, you’d have no idea why anyone would want to kill them?”

“None at all.”

“You were never involved with either of them for any reason other than business?”

“I had no reason to be, Mr Gardener.”

Gardener was beginning to sense the little man’s smug attitude returning. “During what little time you did spend together, did either man seem worried about anything?”

“I’ve already told you, I didn’t socialize with them. I hardly knew them.”

“You said a few minutes ago you’d known them a number of years.”

“Yes, but only as business associates.”

Reilly leaned on his desk. “Tell me, aren’t you the least bit curious why two people who work for you have both been killed within a week of each other?”

“I should think it obvious I don’t travel in the same circles as my employees. Especially the part-time ones.” Summers smirked.

“How do you know?” Gardener asked. “You said you don’t socialize.”

Summers shook his head before answering. “Look, gentlemen, I don’t feel threatened. Now, or at any other time. I’m a simple man. I do my job, keep to myself, and I pay my way. Whatever those two were into, it’s none of my business.”

“Any ex

perience with drugs?”
