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“Yes... drugs. The entertainment industry is notorious for drug taking. I wondered if you’d encountered any drug problems?”

“Occasionally. I am aware of the narcotic problems within the business. There were a couple of instances some time ago where I had to stop using a couple of artists. They nearly brought a theatre into disrepute. Nothing more than that. I certainly don’t take them.”

Gardener switched topics. “Does the name Craig Sutton mean anything to you?”

“I can’t say it does.”

Gardener sat back down. “We discovered a number of pornographic films and magazines in Herbert Plum’s flat. You wouldn’t know anything about that, would you?”

“Should I?”

“Doesn’t it concern you that a man you employed to entertain children also indulges in pornography?”

Summers stubbed out his cigar and glanced at his watch. “We all have our dark side, Mr Gardener.”

“You haven’t answered my question.”

“No, it doesn’t concern me too much. What they chose to get up to in their own time is up to them. Did you find any porn involving children?”

“Not yet,” replied Gardener.

“Was Herbert Plum a convicted paedophile?”

“Not a convicted one, to my knowledge.”

“Then there’s no reason for me to be concerned.”

“As I said, not a convicted paedophile. He may have been one, for all we know.”

“I’m sure you’ll understand how difficult it is to extract everything from employees. My only interest was how well he did his job. I had no cause for complaint on that score.”

“Would you have employed him had you known?” asked Reilly.

“What kind of a question is that?”

“A straightforward one.”

“I didn’t know, so it doesn’t matter,” Summers replied.

“Herbert Plum was recently involved in an incident in a public house,” continued Gardener. “Apparently, he told someone he had contacts in the film world. He then went on to offer a woman the chance to star in a pornographic film. You wouldn’t have any idea who the contact might be, would you?”

Summers seemed surprised. “Why should I?” He gazed at the ceiling. “What a bloody mess!”

“Forgive me,” said Gardener, standing. “I’m putting two and two together. It crossed my mind. Films. Entertainers. Entertainment agency. Plum’s implicated you by association, Mr Summers. Is it possible he used your name without your knowledge? Let’s face it, you’re there in the Yellow Pages. Legitimate. Plum could have been riding on the back of your business for his own private reasons, without you realizing. Then again, maybe you did.”

Summers flew out of his chair. “How dare you?” His cheeks were red, and the corners of his mouth were flecked with spittle.

Gardener said nothing but casually wiped his collar and smiled.

“I’ll have your badge for this, Gardener.”

“I don’t have a badge.”

“You know what I mean,” Summers shouted.

“No,” replied Gardener. “Maybe you should explain.”
