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The majority of my confidence and self-worth comes from within—I am my own support system on most days—but even I have to admit, hearing that from a guy I admire, a guy who taught me a lot of the loopholes I never would have known to explore on my own, means a hell of a lot.

I’m largely unemotional, but hell, I think I even feel some moisture in one of my eyes.

“Thanks, Professor. I’m not trying to make headlines…just money.”

He laughs, thankfully remembering my propensity for joke-telling.

“Well, what can I do you for? I can’t imagine you have a question about something law-related, but if you do, I’m all ears.”

I think about the Huffman case and smile. I didn’t call the good professor for that kind of help, but I sure as shit won’t turn it down. I’ll make asking him a couple questions an addendum to my original plans.

“I do have a couple questions, actually,” I say. “But I was hoping to ask them in person. I thought maybe since I’m going to be close to campus a few times this week, you might have a spot for a guest lecturer?”

I was only planning on being close to campus if opportunity in the form of a mysterious, beautiful blonde knocked on my door, but he doesn’t need to know that.

He laughs. “You want to give a guest lecture?”

“Yeah, actually. I think it’ll do me some good to get out there and connect with the up-and-comers. Teach them a few things and maybe let them teach me. Think you can find some availability for me?”

“How’s tomorrow?” he asks, and I chuckle.

It’s only Tuesday, and I’m already balls deep in five different case files and trying to get an assistant that can actually fucking assist.

“I might need a couple days to prepare, but I can certainly do Friday. How’s that sound?”

“Like the perfect excuse to take an early weekend.”

“Come on now, Professor.” I chuckle. “You still have to show up.”

“Ah, well,” he says, and I can hear the smile in his voice. “Still. It’ll be nice to sit back and watch you show off what you remember.”

“Oh,” I say with a laugh. “You actually want me to teach something related to your class?”

“It’s good to talk to you, Caplin. I’d almost forgotten how much I hated teaching you.”

“I was a smartass, huh?”

“Yes. Still are. But it’s much more enjoyable when I’m not directly involved in whether or not you receive your diploma.”

“I bet. I’ll see you Friday, Professor. Same classroom?”

“Yep. See you then.”

I can’t wait. It’ll be good to see Professor Hullum again.

Of course, once I find her, it’ll be even better to see someone else.


Fridays are my favorite day of the week.

I mean, I’m always dragging ass by this point, but it’s nothing that a double dose of caffeine in the form of two cans of Red Bull can’t fix.

Settled into my seat in the lecture hall, I put my fingers to the keys of my laptop and title a new document in my folder for this class.

Law & Business of Corporate Transactions.

It’s a mouthful of a title, and if my first two classes with this professor are anything to go by, it’s not the only part of this class that’ll be long-winded.

Professor Graham Hullum has a brilliant mind, is nationally renowned for his expertise in teaching the inner workings of corporate law, and his lectures rival the coldest corners of the earth and the iciest of fucking ice at making things numb. Namely, my mind.

Usually at this level of academia, people are pretty serious, but I’m not sure why. It’s like they think you can’t be funny and smart at the same time.

But they couldn’t be more wrong. I, a brilliant jokester of the most superior form, am what people in the law business call evidentiary support.

I mean, it’s called a wisecrack for a reason, right?

I type the date over to the side as the door in the back opens, and the sound of someone who’s obviously running late hurrying down the stairs. The girl behind me kicks me in the back of the shoulder as she jerks, and I look over it to give her my best what the fuck look.

Unfortunately, she doesn’t even see it. Instead, her eyes are glued to the front of the room, absolutely transfixed on the front of the lecture hall.

I turn to see what she’s looking at just as Professor Hullum starts speaking—and a guy steps up right beside him.

Mischievous caramel eyes.

Stupid handsome face.

And the kind of jaw that makes Roman statues look soft.

Holy mother of law legalities and coincidences, it’s the sexy dude from the law library the other day. A guy I’ve definitely seen before, and one who knows way too much about my audiobook preferences thanks to Sergio’s and Catarina’s orgasmic shouts of pleasure.
