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We wandered around to find two guest bedrooms, laundry facilities, and a walk-in pantry on one side of the house, and an office and the master bedroom on the other. The bedroom featured the same view as the living room but through French doors rather than a wall of windows. Jax chuckled as I 'oohed' and 'awed' over the master bath and the walk-in closet which was more than half the size of my bedroom at home.

"Seriously, you could host a party in there." I laughed as I came back into the bedroom.

Jax stood next to the bed with his hands tucked in his pockets, silently watching me with an intensity that made my mouth go dry and allowed the butterflies to be released. Suddenly, the room with its beautiful view shrank, and all I could see was him.

Without even knowing I was moving, I found myself standing in front of him. I dropped my eyes from his, but only to watch my hands as I rested them on his chest. How small they looked against him. I was certain I could stretch the fingers of both of my hands and still not reach the sides of his rib cage. Beneath them, I could feel his strength; how his muscles flexed as he drew in a quick breath the second I touched him. How his heartbeat pulsed faster.

As my hands and eyes traveled upward, I saw him swallow hard, but still, he didn't touch me. I could feel the heat of his eyes as I continued my upward exploration. It wasn't as if we hadn't touched each other in some intimate ways, but this was different. This time we both knew there would be no stopping.

After my embarrassing confession to him in the car and his response, I knew I wasn't going to hold back. There was never a promise of what might happen tomorrow, but I knew I'd have more regrets not experiencing everything I possibly could with Jax than I would holding back out of fear.

When I reached his face, I held it between my palms and looked into his eyes again. They had deepened to the color of rich, dark leather, with flecks of gold making them look like they flickered with flames. I wondered if the illusion reflected what he was feeling. I tugged his head down to mine, our eyes never breaking hold as our lips touched.

"Grace." My name sounded like a plea. His hands gripped my hips, preventing me from leaning into him. "Be sure this is what you want because you're starting something I'm not sure I have the strength to stop."

I had no more doubts I wanted this. I wanted everything he could give me. And I knew I was giving him more than my body; I would be giving him my heart as well. My fingers wound into his hair. "I don't want to stop. Please, Jax," I mumbled against his lip. "Please make love to me."

He held my gaze for a few more seconds, then with a groan, he said, "Gladly."

His lips took control of mine, no more softness, but total mastery as they moved across mine. Our tongues swirled together, re-acquainting and exploring as our hands did the same. Jax's hands slid under my sweater and over my ribs until they cupped my breasts. I couldn't stifle my moan as his fingers played with my nipples, which alone sent sparks all across my pelvis. As his lips trailed lighter, teasing kisses across my jaw, he tugged on my sweater. I lifted my arms so he could pull it off. He stared at my peach-colored lace bra, and his finger traced the swell above the line of lace before sliding down the valley in between.

"So perfect," he said, his husky voice the only hint that he was as affected as I was. His fingers unsnapped the front clasp, and I sucked in my breath as my breasts were exposed to the air and his eyes. He bent his knees, and while he slid the straps down my arms, he kissed each mound until his hands recaptured them. Then he drew the nipple of one into his mouth and sucked and swirled his tongue around the tip while his fingers caressed its mate. My head fell back as I clasped his head to me, my moans encouraging him to continue. It wasn't until he lifted his head that I realized it was only because of his arms holding me that I was still standing.

"I love that you're so sensitive and responsive to my touch." He loosened his arms so that I fell to the bed. He reached behind him and pulled his shirt over his head, then knelt on the floor in front of me. He removed my boots and socks, then slowly ran his hands up my legs, his thumbs rubbing over the zipper of my jeans. He paused to look at me as he fingered the snap. "You still good, sweetheart?"

His concern made me even more certain. "More than good," I answered.

He unzipped my jeans and pulled them down my legs as if he was unwrapping an exquisite piece of art. He stood, staring at me. Unused to such perusal, I instinctively lifted my arms to cover myself, but he shook his head. "Let me look. You're so fucking beautiful, Grace."

I know the blush that warmed my face also colored my body. Aroused further by his praise, I let my arms fall to my sides. His eyes glowed in approval as he put one knee on the bed and leaned over me, holding his weight on one arm, the muscles bulging making the phoenix tattoo act as if puffed up with pride. His free hand brushed down my cheek and splayed across my throat before traveling down my body, his fingertips leaving goose bumps in their wake.

Curious if he would have a similar reaction, I mimicked his movements. Starting with his face, I traced his mouth with my finger. He grinned, and caught it between his teeth, making me giggle. "I thought it was only girls who bit."

"What can I say?" He waggled his eyebrows. "You're a very tempting morsel." He leaned closer and murmured, "And I intend to taste every. Single. Inch." He punctuated each of his last words with a kiss, before sealing his promise with a lingering one that had me almost panting in anticipation.

He shifted so he was laying on the bed beside me. Breaking the kiss, I walked my fingers down his chest and over his abs, which clenched when I spread my fingers across them. "I'm feeling at a disadvantage here." I tugged at the button on his jeans.

He grabbed my hand and kissed the inside of my wrist. He had to feel my fast pulse. "No. Not yet. I'm not done learning you, yet." He kissed my collarbone. "I need to know what you like." He cupped my breasts while pressing his lips between them. "What makes you sigh." I gasped at the sting when he pinched my nipples, astounded at how it sent a direct shot of desire between my legs. "What makes you gasp." His slid down my body and kissed my belly button. "What makes you moan." A kiss to my pubis over my panties. "What you taste like."

I was already half out of my mind with need. I had already admitted to him that I wasn't very experienced, but I had never felt like this before. During my few other sexual encounters, I had thought it felt good. But it was nothing to the feelings, the cravings, Jax was stirring inside me. I braced my foot on the bed, arching my hips, looking for more.

He chuckled as his palm cupped my core. "You're already wet. You like that idea, don't you?"



nbsp; I felt his fingers grasp my panties and tug them down. "Lost your words, sweetheart?"


"Don't worry. You don't need them unless you don't like something I do." He spread my legs, and before I could register any sense of embarrassment, his mouth was there, kissing the most intimate part of me. Licking. Tasting.


I felt the vibration of his laughter, which only heightened the sensations he was creating. His fingers spread my lips, and his tongue flicked over and over the stimulated bud that he'd exposed. My hands grasped the bed covers, looking for anything that would ground me, but it was no use. I was flying toward something I couldn't control.

"Jax! I...I can't..." I think I tried to jerk away; the sensations were overwhelming. But his arm swung over my stomach, locking me in place until I had no choice to go but where he was taking me.
