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One of her hands rose and fit over top of mine. The love in her eyes sent me reeling. So much had changed in such a short amount of time, but at the same time it felt like nothing had changed.

“You always make me feel better,” she whispered, her words carried to my ears by the wind.

“I don’t like to see you sad.”

Willow was the stubborn flower that grew even when there was no water, so when she began to wilt I came in to take care of her so she could flourish again.

“I guess it’s a good thing I’m not sad often then.” She cracked a smile. It didn’t quite reach her eyes, but I appreciated the effort.

“Are you good now?” I nodded back towards where the trees thinned and our camp waited. “If you want us to leave and find somewhere—”

She put a hand over my mouth. “I overreacted because I wasn’t expecting that to happen. I’m good now, I promise.”

I stared at her, still unsure.

“Promise.” She crossed her fingers over her heart.

“Okay.” I let my hands fall.

When we emerged from the cover of trees Alexis rushed forward.

“I’m so, so, so sorry for coming off sounding nosy. I didn’t mean too, but I couldn’t help myself. Please forgive me?” She crossed her hands under her chin and waited.

Willow cracked a small smile. “It’s okay. I know I probably seemed like a weirdo. It’s just…I view myself as normal, so sometimes I forget that I’m not.”

“Totally understandable.” Alexis nodded. “Are you hungry? Want a beer?” She pointed to the table. The food had finished cooking and plates sat around waiting. They’d even started a fire and lanterns sat scattered around illuminating the area.

“I could eat.” Willow nodded.

“Me too,” I agreed.

“I hope you made enough for him.” Willow jested as she pointed at me. “He eats more than anyone I know.”

“Chase and Jacob too.” Alexis nodded, as we joined the others. “I don’t know where they put it all.”

“Always room, babe.” Jacob patted his stomach and pulled her down into the chair beside him when she got close enough.

Willow and I took the two empty seats side by side.

“You guys are really kind to do this for us,” Willow said bashfully, tucking her hair behind her ear. Willow was normally never so subdued around strangers, but I knew she was still slightly embarrassed. It wouldn’t be long until she was over it, though.

“You want a beer?” Chase asked me, reaching for one himself. “You?” He glanced at Willow.

She shook her head, but I nodded and he handed me a bottle.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you drink,” Willow commented when I tipped the beer back.

I shrugged as I sat it down on the table. “I don’t drink often.” I actually wasn’t that fond of it and only drank it on occasion. At the moment, after our crazy day, I felt like I needed one.

Willow nodded at this and set about making her burger.

We all chatted while we ate and cleaned up.

“You know what makes this view even better?” Chase asked after the table was packed away.

“What?” Willow asked. Her cheeks were flushed a pleasant pink and her eyes were now free of sadness. There had been no more talk of fame or rock stars, and she’d been able to relax and let loose.

“Come on.” Chase nodded and we followed.
