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“You,” I echoed.

And then everything was lost in the feel of our skin, the clash of our lips, and the passion that we ignited.


“One cow, two cow, three cow, four—”

“This again?” I groaned, glancing over at Willow as she pointed outside the car at the passing cows.

“You weren’t talking,” she defended with a shake of her head, “and I got bored. So, back to the cow counting I went.”

I glanced at her open journal in her lap and quickly back at the road. “I see you’re drawing them too.”

She slammed the journal closed with a huff. “You’re not allowed to look in there and you know it!”

She had, indeed, scribbled across the front of it in red and black marker for me to KEEP OUT.

The fact that she thought that would stop me was actually adorable. The first chance I got I was stealing that journal.

Her phone buzzed where it had fallen on the floor of the car.

She picked it up and swiped the screen, opening the text message.

She immediately burst into uncontrollable laughter.

“What is it?” I glanced over at her like the answer would somehow be written on her face.

“It’s a text from my dad.” She shook her head. “One of his hedgehogs he thought was a boy apparently surprised him by being a girl, and she gave birth to five hoglets.”

She turned her phone around and gave me a brief view of the picture he’d sent. He stood grinning, leaning over the cage where you could see a huddle of hoglets. His grin overtook his face.

“His text said he was a father again, which scared me to death before I opened the photo. I thought for sure he was saying my mom was pregnant and it would be weird to have a sibling twenty years younger than me.”

“That would be weird.” I agreed.

“But it’s only more hedgehogs, which is like his dream come true. I think he could have a hundred and still want more.”

“Your dad is the most un-rockstar-like rock star there ever was.”

She nodded her head in agreement. “You’ve seen the pictures of my first Halloween costume, right?” She asked me.

“I don’t think so.” I racked my brain, trying to remember if I’d ever seen photos.

“He knitted me a hedgehog costume…actually he might’ve crocheted it because he learned how to do that too. Regardless, let’s picture a grown twenty-something guy knitting a hedgehog costume for his baby…like what?”

I laughed, scrubbing my hand over my mouth. “It’s pretty funny.”

“He’s insane,” she sighed, tapping a response on her phone. “But I love him. He’s a pretty cool dad.”

I spotted the sign for Albuquerque, New Mexico and took the exit.

“Where are we going?” Willow asked when she looked up from her phone.

“Albuquerque,” I answered. “I’ve always wanted to go.”

“Oh.” She nodded at this. “Cool.”

While I drove it was hard to take the time to appreciate the scenery, but I did my best to look around when I could.
