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“It’ll be worth it.”

I asked for two cones of cotton candy and Dean groaned. “I don’t want any.”

I narrowed my eyes on him. “I know you, Dean. You’ll try to steal mine and then I’ll bite you and then I’ll end up arrested for assault. So just take it.”

His lips twitched with the threat of laughter. “Assault? Really?”

I took my cotton candy from the man and handed Dean his. “Yes, really. There would be witnesses and they’d report me. They might even think I have rabies, which would lead to me being put down like a wild animal and then what would you do without me?”

He snorted and shoved a handful of cotton candy into his mouth. I knew he’d want some. Slinging an arm around my shoulders he pulled me close to his side and kissed the top of my head with his sticky lips.

“When you talk like that it makes me realize how much I’ve missed you.”

I leaned into him and closed my eyes, soaking in the feel of him.

When I straightened he dropped his arm from my shoulders and took my hand instead.

I smiled down at our joined hands.

I never knew something so simple could be so profound.

“I wanna go there next.” I pointed to the Ferris wheel.

Dean groaned.

He wasn’t afraid of much, but heights were one thing that always made him queasy.

“I don’t know,” he hedged, looking a bit green as he looked up at the lit-up Ferris wheel.

“I’ll hold your hand,” I jested and squeezed his hand to reassure him.

His frown deepened until two lines zigzagged across his forehead.

“Please,” I begged. “It’ll be fun. You’ll see.”

He still looked doubtful, but giving my hand a light squeeze back he finally nodded.

I squealed with delight.

I loved getting up high and seeing the world from a different vantage point.

When I was little I used to climb trees as high as I could go. It drove my parents nuts with worry, but in the end they realized I was exactly like them.

Afraid of nothing.

Except maybe being a complete and utter failure at life.

Yep, that was definitely my biggest fear.

Dean and I stepped into line and I pushed all of my negative thoughts aside.

I smiled up at him, marveling at how the sun haloed behind him as if it too knew he was special.

He felt the weight of my gaze and his eyes lowered to mine.

We probably looked like two goofballs standing there staring at each other with the crazy childish face paint we wore, but I didn’t care.

I was happy and that’s all that mattered.
