Page 56 of Beauty in the Ashes

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I sent withering glares at the people staring. God, couldn’t people mind their own damn business? My sex life, non-existent at that, was not news worthy information.

“Nothing happened!” I insisted. Glaring at a man that had started over to our table, I held up a hand and said, “Look elsewhere bud, no free blowjobs here.” His steps halted and he returned to his table of buddies, all of who laughed hysterically at how I shut him down. Seriously, I didn’t know why if a dude heard a girl say the word sex, they suddenly thought she was down to do it with anybody. Honestly, men could be the stupidest creatures on the planet.

“You’re such a liar,” Daphne whispered. “You can tell me! Please?” She pouted, clasping her hands together. “Who am I going to tell? Until you came along I didn’t have any friends.”

That caused me to pause. “What?”

She frowned, looking down at the table and tracing a grain in the wood. “Well, yeah, you’re like my only friend. Besides Frankie, but he’s my brother so he has to like me, therefore he doesn’t count.”

“You have friends.”

“No, I don’t,” she shook her head sadly. “I have acquaintances but not friends,” she shrugged, like as if the topic didn’t bother her, but I could tell it did.

I instantly felt bad for being such a lousy person and not spending more time with her. She was clearly lonely.

I reached over and placed my hand over hers in a comforting gesture. “Well, it’s a good thing you have me then. I’m so fucking awesome that you don’t need anyone else.”

She grinned at that and I felt a little lighter.

Eating another fry, I said, “We didn’t have sex—” She opened her mouth to cut me off but I shushed her. “But,” I added, giving her a warning look, lest she interrupt me again, “there was some touching involved.”

She almost fell out of her seat at that. “You or him?

“He touched me,” I whispered, and found myself squirming—not typical behavior for me.

“Oh. My. God.” She fanned herself dramatically, licking her lips. “What I wouldn’t give for that man to touch me.”

I eyed her.

“What?” She laughed. “Every girl has to have at least one bad boy in her life, and that man has dangerous written all over him. Was it good?” She asked, bouncing in her seat a bit. Clearly she wasn’t lying about not having friends, because I didn’t see how this was the least bit interesting.

“Mind-blowing,” I replied, taking a sip of water to cool down my racy thoughts.

“So,” she frowned, “what happened to set him off? Giving a girl a so-called mind-blowing orgasm doesn’t seem like a reason to start breaking stuff.”

I stiffened in my seat. I couldn’t tell her that he hurt me. I’d been lucky that today was slightly windy and I was able to wear a light sweater to hide the bruises without anyone being suspicious. I shrugged. “You know him better than I do. He gets mad for no reason a lot.”

“That’s true,” her lips puckered in a frown, “but it sounds like things were getting pretty steamy, so what’s there to get pissed about? Oh! Could he not get it up?!” Her eyes lit thinking she’d guessed right.

I was too busy snickering over her high schoolish term. Finally I regained control of myself and said, “Trust me, he was primed and ready.” I wiped away a tear of laughter.

“Oh,” her face fell. Eventually she shrugged. “You’re right. He is weird.”

Luckily she dropped the conversation after that. Unfortunately for her, I was no longer quite there with her. My thoughts were circling around Caelan. I couldn’t understand why he had stopped and lost his cool like that. Sex was sex, right? I knew from the other people living there that he was hardly a monk and since I’d moved in, I’d heard at least two women sneak out of his apartment. I didn’t like to think about that though. I knew that whatever this sick, twisted relationship of ours was, that it wasn’t exclusive. Or even really a relationship at all, so he was free to sleep with whomever he wanted. It sure didn’t keep him from messing with my sex life though. He’d had no problem hauling me over his shoulder cave man style and taking me away from Memphis. Cock blocker.

“I have to go,” I stood suddenly, grabbing my purse and slinging it across my body.

“O-okay?” Daphne said, her brows furrowing together.

Slapping some cash on the table to cover my meal, I said, “This was great. We should make this a weekly thing or something.”

Before she could reply, I jogged down the deck steps and onto the street.

I knew exactly where I was headed.

The bar was only a few blocks from the restaurant, so it took me no time to get there. I busted inside, striding forward purposefully. I was a woman on a mission and no one better dare try to detain me.

“Ma’am we’re not open yet, you can’t be here,” a waiter warned, trying to grab my arm to steer me away.
